7. a. Morning Sickness

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Jeongin 💖

I haven't really been getting sick so far in my pregnancy and I'm almost 10 weeks now. I have been feeling a bit nauseous every now and then but not sick just yet. We will have to see how it goes. Jeongin has been very supportive as usual when I've not been feeling my best. Sometimes I feel low on energy but he always tries to lift up my spirits like he does. Best boyfriend in the world. It's Saturday morning and I stayed at Jeongin's last night and we are spending the weekend together chilling and enjoying time not working and not being frantically busy like we are. I woke up feeling a bit rough like the. "Good morning, my princess" Jeongin said turning over in bed. "Morning" I yawn. "Are you okay?" he asks. "I don't know, Jeongin. I feel a bit rough to be honest" I said. He shuffles closer to be and puts his arms around me and holds me close to him. "Hang on, babe. Just thought. Think I have the trick" he said. Jeongin gets out of bed and goes into the kitchen to do something. I stay in bed as I don't feel like I can get up just yet. A few minutes later, he comes back with a mug in his hand. "Babe, I just thought fresh ginger might make you feel better if you're feeling sick. I know you didn't say but I kinda guessed" Jeongin said. "Oh okay. Thank you. I'll try" I reply. He leaves the cup on my bedside and I drink it in my own time and it does help taking away the sick feeling. My boyfriend is the  best

Hyunjin ❤️

I haven't been getting sick so far in my pregnancy. I don't know if that's a good sign or not. I guess only time will tell. I've been feeling a bit off every now and then. I have my first scan next week though so Hyunjin and I will get to see our baby for the first time and know that they are healthy. Can't wait. I've just got home from work and I'm waiting for Hyunjin to come home. Hopefully he should be home soon if he's not running late. At lunch time I didn't feel like eating. I felt off so I only ate a banana that's all. I've not been feeling like this so far in my pregnancy and I'm about 10 weeks now. I'm beginning to think there is something wrong with the baby but hopefully not. I sit down on the couch and rest to see if it passes. I've had a tiring day too. I sit for a while before I had to go to the bathroom. I just want Hyunjin to get home I thought. I go to the toilet then I feel funny like I was actually going to be sick. I knelt down by the toilet and rub my tummy for a few minutes. I then hear the front door of our apartment open. Hyunjin must be home. "Hey, baby. I'm home. Where are you?" he says. "Bathroom" I say. "You okay?" Hyunjin said. He comes in and I say "I feel sick, Hyunjin. I don't feel good". "Awww, baby. Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" he says. "No no it's not that bad. I just need to rest or take something. I didn't feel like eating today" I reply. "You should eat but have a lie down, love" he said. "Okay I will" I reply. He helps me into the bedroom and I lay down for a little while and the feeling passes eventually and I feel okay

Seungmin 💜

I have been feeling quite sick and weak in my pregnancy so far. I think I've just hit 9 weeks in my pregnancy which is the first trimester. Seungmin knows how I've been feeling and he's been so very supportive of me as he usually is and I'm so lucky and thankful to be his wife in all this. Seungmin and I are chilling and relaxing for the evening now but I keep on feeling sick so I'm not taking my mind off things.  I shuffle closer to Seungmin and put my head on his shoulders and try to close my eyes and rest a bit. "You okay, baby" Seungmin asks. "Still not feeling that good, honey" I reply. "Awe, honey. You just rest here with me, baby" he says. "I will try" I yawn. I try to close my eyes for a few minutes if I could but it was hard for me to not think about the feeling of being sick so I had to get up from the couch and go to the bathroom. I didn't say anything to Seungmin he just followed behind me and stayed with me for a bit. "I think I'm gonna be sick, Minnie" I say. "Okay, baby. Just take your time. It's okay" Seungmin replies softly. I was right I was sick in the toilet right then. Better out than in I guess and better for having Seungminie by my side

Felix 💙

I've been feeling okay in my pregnancy so far. Not too sick. Not too physically bad either which a suppose is a good sign that everything is going to be okay. Felix is being more supportive now of me during my pregnancy. I thought he was going to leave me when I told him I was pregnant but he didn't. He just needed time and space to think about it which I understood. He's fine now and looking forward to becoming a dad even though he is nervous about it. I am nervous about becoming a mom too as it's a lot of big responsibility at a young age but now I wouldn't change it now that I have got pregnant. Felix and I will look forward to when our baby arrives into the world in a few months time. I'm getting ready to go into work now. I woke up later so I might be late so I'm rushing to get ready. It's my own fault for waking up too late. Suddenly a feeling of nausea starts to come on from me rushing around too much. I know I shouldn't be rushing in early pregnancy but I don't want to be late. I grab my bag and begin to leave a few minutes later but my stomach is hurting me so I needed to sit down for a minute. The nausea feeling passes enough for me to go to work but I felt sick again later and was sick when I got home. Felix was there abc comforted me as I was in a state. It was my first time being sick in my pregnancy so it was a little bit daunting

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