9. a. Telling Family/ The Boys

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Jeongin 💖

Jeongin and I have finally figured out at a way to tell his family that we are expecting a baby. We told my family last week and it didn't exactly go down well with my mom and dad. My sister doesn't know yet as she's away studying so we haven't told her but I think she'll be happy when I do tell her. Jeongin and I are anxious and scared to tell his mom, dad and brothers today when we go to their family home as they will think we are too young to be starting a family at our young age but we are keeping the baby and being the best parents possible to him or her when they arrive. Anyway Jeongin and I are on our way to his family home where he lived before he became an idol. He might be living with me soon. We arrived and Jeongin says "Relax, deep breath babe. No matter what they say. We are having this baby no matter what". "Okay i will try and relax" I reply. So we go into Jeongin's family home with our heads held high. He rings the doorbell and his mom answers with a smile on her face. "Hello, lovely to see you two" she said. "Lovely to see you too" we both smiled. We went in and saw Jeongin's brothers and dad too and chatted to them for a while as we ate what his mom had cooked and it was so nice. We wanted to wait for the appropriate time to tell them our news after the meal we sat down comfortably. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes in the lounge before Jeongin spoke and cleared his throat. "Everybody, there is something Y/ N and I would like to tell you". "Yes there is" I reply. "Ummm are you getting married or something" his older brother said. "Nope but maybe in the future. Okay I don't know how to tell you" Jeongin said. "I'm pregnant. Jeongin and I are having a baby" I blurt out. The room went silent then for a minute. "What you're having a baby?" his mom said. "Yes, Eomma we are having a baby. I know we are young and got all our lives ahead of us but we feel like this is really right" Jeongin said. "Jeongin, we warned you about safe sex and using protection and all that" his dad said. "Well if you're not happy for us. That's fine. Y/ N's family were shocked at first. It's normal when receiving big news" Jeongin said. "Sorry we should maybe go soon but we thought we'd ought to tell you" I said. We left soon as it was getting a bit awkward with Jeongin's family and the news we told them

Hyunjin ❤️

Hyunjin and I told our families a couple of weeks ago that we are expecting a baby and they are delighted for us. I have always been close with his family and vice versa. We are going to tell the Stray Kids guys today and we can't wait to tell them the news. We hope they will be happy for us and excited to become uncles too so we are telling them today when I drop by the studio to see Hyunjin. That's part of the plan. I am on my way to the studio now to go and see Hyunjin and the guys. I can't wait to see them soon and we can't wait to tell them our super good and exciting news about having a baby. Our families were so happy when we told them. The boys are like my second family. So I have arrived now at the studio. Hyunjin and the boys are probably in the middle of rehearsals but I'm still going in anyway as we've got news to tell them that can't wait.     I walk into the practice room that they are in. Hyunjin knows I'm coming of course as we planned this. I open the door quietly without making too much noise. "Hello, baby. You made it" Hyunjin said. "Yes I did. Well I wouldn't let you down. You know that" I reply. "Y/ N, what a nice surprise? Good to see you" Chan said hugging me. "Y/ N, it's been a while" Jeongin smiles. I sit down and watch them finish rehearsing for a bit. Till they had finished a couple of songs. I clap and smile when they had finished. "Yayyyyy. My boys" I cheer. They take a break and we all sit on the floor in a circle which we didn't intend to do, it just happened. Haha. There was a silence for a second. "Guys, Y/ N and I have some good news to share with you" Hyunjin said. "Ohhhh okay. Good news is always good" Jisung said. "Well I hope you're happy for us but Hyunjin and I are having a baby" I say. The boys looked stunned to hear our news but I think happy at the same time. "Really? Congratulations. A baby. Wow!" Seungmin said. "I'm not gonna pretend that I'm shocked because I am but I'm happy of course" Felix said. "This is great news, guys. I'm very happy for you two" Minho smiles. The guys were happy to hear our baby news today and we were happy to share with them

Seungmin 💜

Seungmin and I are going out for dinner with both sets of our parents and we are going to tell them our amazing baby news.  We haven't told anyone yet. We've just kept it to ourselves which is the way we wanted to keep it but not we are about to tell our families the fun and exciting news that we are expecting a baby. We already know that. This is the most special thing that Seungmin and I will experience in our lives, the birth of our first child. We are getting ready now and meeting our families soon. I chose a nice dress from my closet that I wear for things like dinners or going out. Seungmin wears something nice and we were good to go soon. Seungmin drives tonight. "I can't wait to break our amazing news to our families. They will be so happy. My mom asked me a month ago when we were going to start a family as she really wants grandkids" he said. "Well they will be so happy to find out tonight. Your mom doesn't have to wait any longer. We are having her first grandchild" I say. We arrived at the restaurant soon and Seungmin and I were the first ones to arrive shortly followed by my parents and then his. We both greeted them with hugs and were so excited to see them all. My parents and Seungmin's. We all order drinks first and then food. We don't mention our news straight away. We are going to when we've eaten just before we go. Not gonna launch straight into it. The conversation was about general things at first. Sometime later we had finished eating so I think it's the appropriate time to reveal our big news. Seungmin and I look at each other and he says. "Okay well Y/ N and I have something we would like to tell you". Our parents all face us. "Ohhh yes we do. I almost forgot" I laughed. "We have been so excited about this since we heard. I think Y/ N should tell you" Seungmin said. "I'm pregnant" I smile. "Congratulations yesssss that's amazing" my mom said. "I knew it. I knew it was going to be something like this" my dad said. "Seungmin, Y/ N. I'm over the moon. My first grandchild. I can't believe it" his mom said. "Well you are all the first people we've told. It feels amazing" Seungmin said. "Next we can't wait to tell the boys they are going to be uncles" I say. So we finally told our kids that we are having a baby

Felix 💙

Felix and I told our families that I am pregnant and they were shocked at first as they would be. Mine more than him. My parents said they were disappointed in me and wish I was rich, famous and successful like my sister Rosé. I told them I'm not like her and she was the first to know. Before Felix. The one I found out with. Tonight we are going to tell the Stray Kids members about my pregnancy. We thought it was more important to tell our families first before them. I'm going over to the house they all live in together and we are getting some takeaway food in and we will probably play some games later which will be fun. I am on my way now and we are going to decide what we want when we get there. The drive from where I live isn't too far to Stray Kids place. Felix is expecting me so he'll be waiting outside for me. About 20 minutes later I arrive. I see him waiting outside for me and I get excited. "Hello, handsome" I smile getting out of the car. "Hey, my baby momma" Felix said embracing me with the biggest hug. I laughed. So we go inside and the boys are ordering pizza for us. It's on the way actually. So we sit and talk while we wait. I tell them about my day at work and spoke about my sister a bit. They always ask me about Rosé. The pizza arrived and we all tucked in as soon as it arrived. It was hanging on my mind the news we have to tell them. The boys were all distracted by their pizzas so might be a good time to mention it. There was a sort of silence in the room then. "Guys, I have something I would like to tell you. Well we do. Me and Felix" I say. "Yes we do. I almost forgot, babe. The pizza was keeping me busy" Felix replied. All eyes turned on us. "Felix and I found out a few weeks ago that I'm pregnant. He wasn't too happy at first but he is now. There is going to be a Stray Kids baby" I say. They were shocked at first and didn't know what to say. "A baby. Okay cool" Seungmin said. "What? You ain't kidding" Jisung said. "No we are not. It's true. I'm going to be a dad. I got Y/ N pregnant" Felix said. I looked at him and gave him the death eye. Haha. "Lix, you must be good in bed, man" Chan said. "Well the first mini Stray Kids member is on the way" Minho said. "I couldn't imagine you as a father, dude" Changbin said. "Hey. Watch it. I'm gonna try and be a good dad" Felix said. "Oh you will be. I believe in you, babe" I reply. The boys were shocked but happy at the same time to hear our pregnancy news. At least we told them now

A/ N: sorry for the very slow update on this book and my others. My motivation is going these days but trying to keep up and do the ones I need to. In my previous pregnancy book I combined both of these parts together

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