12. a. Babysitting For A Friend/ Relative

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Jeongin 💖

It's Friday night and tonight Jeongin and I are babysitting for one of the little girls I look after at work. She is called Mihyeon and she is 2 years old and one of my favourite children I care for in the nursery I work in. My parents are going out tonight for dinner and need someone to look after Mihyeon while they are out so they asked us if we could and we said yes if course as they are a really nice family and Mihyeon is a really sweet little girl and we can't wait to babysit her tonight. Jeongin hasn't met Mihyeon before. We just arrived at Mihyeon's family home to babysit her. Her mom and dad are going out soon. Jeongin was very polite and gracious when he met them of course because he's always like that. "So we are about to leave now, Y/ N. Let us know if you need anything and we will pick up" Mihyeon's mom said. "I'm sure everything will be absolutely fine. Have  lovely date" I smile. Mihyeon had already had something to eat and they left something for Jeongin and i to have so I warned it in the microwave for us to have. Mihyeon took a shine to Jeongin straight away and wanted him to play with her princess dolls in her princess castle. I am in the kitchen getting our food ready. They said we can eat in the lounge. I came back in a few minutes and Jeongin is playing so cutely with Mihyeon. OMG it's melting my heart. "Hi you two" I say. "Hi" Jeongin said. "Y/ N, Jeongin loves my princesses" Mihyeon said. "He does, sweetie" I reply. Jeongin blushes. We sit and eat our food and watch Mihyeon play with get princesses. We then both played with her too and had Frozen, her favourite movie on in the background. We read her a couple of stories before she went to bed. Jeongin and I had fun babysitting little Mihyeon tonight

Hyunjin ❤️

Today Hyunjin and I are spending the day with my 8 year old nephew Seojun. Well he's our nephew really. We like hanging out with him on weekends and taking him to the park. It gives my sister and her husband sometime to themselves. Seojun is a good kid who likes cars, games and soccer. Hyunjin gets on really well with him. He loves his uncle Hyunjin. We are taking him to the park today then back to ours till this evening. We love to spend some time with our nephew. Seojun always brings a ball to kick around with Hyunjin. I sit out and let them do it. I can't kick a ball anyway. Haha. Hyunjin just laughs at me. Seojun always wants to go to on the swings when he gets there. "Push me, Hyunjin" Seojun said. So Hyunjin pushes Seojun on the swing and he laughs and enjoys it. I watch and observe them. Hyunjin sits on the swing next to him and Seojun pushes him but he couldn't on his own so i gave a hand. "Wow! Your heavy man" I say. "Cheeky. How rude?" Hyunjin replied. Me and Seojun just laughed. "You have a go, auntie" he said. "Okay I actually don't mind swings but don't push me too hard. Remember I am carrying your baby" I reply. "I know so I'll go steady" Hyunjin said. He pushes me gently so I don't fall off. "That was fun" I said getting off after a few minutes. Seojun wanted to play for a bit longer so we let him of course. He loves to run around and have fun. We then take a stroll to the field. Seojun wanted to play soccer with Hyunjin. They started kicking a ball around the field and I just sat on a bench and watched them have fun. "Come on, auntie. Join in" Seojun said. "No I'm good. You know I can't kick a ball. Y'all just laugh at me" I say. "Come on, babe. Don't be a spoil sport" Hyunjin said. "Okay just one go then if it stops you from nagging me" I reply. I go a kick the ball and manage to kick it in an okay direction. "Yayyyy! Auntie" Seojun cheers. I giggle. "My gal can kick a ball" Hyunjin said putting his arms around me and kissing my neck. I joined in for a bit but I didn't overdo it. After the park, Hyunjin and I took Seojun for something to eat before taking him back to my sisters. It was a fun day with our nephew

Seungmin 💜

Tonight Seungmin and I are babysitting my cousins 6 month old baby boy called Dongseok. We are taking him for the night to see how it goes and to practice for when our baby is here. My cousin has never left her baby with anyone since he was born but she trusts me and Seungmin with Dongseok and it gives my cousin and her husband a night to themselves for the first time. Seungmin and I know what we are doing, we just want to practice babysitting. Baby Dongseok came over to our place about an hour ago. His mom just fed him before she dropped him off. She's trying him on solid foods now so she's asked us to try him. Seungmin and I have done some mashed potatoes as part of our dinner. Dongseok is sat in his high chair and I'm going to try him with the mashed potatoes we made. "Open wide, little Buddy" I say. Dongseok opens his mouth and tries it and likes it. I give him more. "Does he like it?" Seungmin asks as he was finishing cooking. "Yes he does. So far. So good" I smile. We eat and then spend sometime with Dongseok before settling him down for bed. "Open wide again, Dongseok" I said and he had another spoonful of mashed potatoes. Soon Seungmin and I eat our meal together. Dongseok was just happy sitting in his high chair minding his own business when he had just finished. He laughed once or twice at us. "What's so funny, bud?" Seungmin said. "I don't know. It must be you" I reply. He smirks at me. Not long after dinner, we get Dongseok settled down for the night. My cousin says he shouldn't have any problems settling but he got a little upset when we tried to settle him. Probably being in a new environment with different people but he eventually got to sleep and so did us. Dongseok woke up for a bottle and a change a couple of times during the night but we slept okay. I'll tell my cousin we can have him again for the night before our own baby comes

Felix 💙

Felix and I are doing some babysitting today. We are looking after my flat neighbours little girl for a couple of hours while her mom has to go to an appointment. That's how are spending Saturday. The little girl is called Hwayoung and she is 6 years old. She is a sweet little girl but quite shy and quiet so sometimes it's hard to get her to talk. Her mom asked us to watch Hwayoung as this came up and there wasn't anyone else she could ask but me and Felix were okay with it. Her mom is a lovely woman and I get on well with her. We have been over at Hwayoung's place for about 20 minutes or so and she is sat watching something on TV and we are at near her. "You enjoying your show, Hwayoung" Felix asks. She nods her head and looks at him. "You're cute. I can't wait to be a daddy myself" Felix said again. I smiled at him. Hwayoung didn't really know what he was on about. She's too young to understand the whole baby thing. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink, sweetie?" I ask. "Ummmm some orange juice please" Hwayoung smiles. I go into the kitchen and get Hwayoung a glass of orange juice. "There you go" I said handing it to her. "Thank you" she smiles. Hwayoung carries on watching TV for a bit longer. "Hwayoung, do you have any games you like playing?" Felix asks. "Hmmm let me see" she replies. He takes Felix's hand and goes into her room. "Wow! Your room is so big" he said. She grabs a jigsaw from her shelf. "We can do this" she says. "Sure" he replies. She wanted to make the jigsaw with Felix but I help too. Hwiyoung's mom came home soon. We had a good time watching her today

A/ N: first update of the year guys

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