Chapter 12- Unleashing Malicious truths Pt.1

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(AU- ⚠️Warning- This chapter contains mentions of explicit details and signs of trauma as well as hysteria.)

Despite Fairy Godmother's Office being known throughout the school as a place where students and faculty alike can go to due to its calming nature and an environment of safety, right now its anything but

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Despite Fairy Godmother's Office being known throughout the school as a place where students and faculty alike can go to due to its calming nature and an environment of safety, right now its anything but. I'm sat with my family in front of the headmistress' desk while the woman herself has taken a seat in her chair with the poise and sophistication as that of a royal monarch. My son's by my parents who stand to the side to let me handle the situation while the Beast trio, Emilia, Cait Sith, and Shinigami, are all sitting close by the daughter of Cinderella and Kit Charming. The poor girl's literally shaking in her seat all while trying to cover herself as best as she could with the jacket that Ben had gave her. Just seeing such a sight made me feel more resolute in what is going to transpire.

"Before we begin things." I spoke, "I would like to start off matters with reporting two individuals who attend this school for malicious activities."

"Oh? Who are they and please explain their actions." Fairy Godmother said. She leans forward a little.

"I first would like to report Audrey Beauty on the grounds of harassment, inappropriate touching with Ben Beast, verbal lashing against my son Naruto, attempted assault on my cousin Shinigami..." I take a deep breath, "And those are just some of the charges on a long list."

"Audrey did what?!" Mom exclaimed, "Excuse me?!"

"Just what happened in the short time we left you?!" Dad questioned as he turns to glare at Ben. I shake my head a little.

"Dad. Its alright." I said, "Allow me to explain." With my fathers nod of assurance, I turn back to the headmistress who takes out a book and pen-no doubt to document the events, "After the headmistress and my parents had left the scene, Ben had taken my siblings, son and I, all on a tour. Audrey throughout the whole thing was  being childish and spiteful mainly towards Mal, the daughter of Maleficent, and kept boating about the status of royalty. When Ben and Layla showed us the statue of the current King of Auradon, there was a little debate on the matter in regards to the statues representation."

"I was telling Ethan, Naruto and the other children of the villains about how my father wanted the statue to represent redemption and to remind all of us that anything is possible." Ben said.

"Despite its lovely sentiments however, Shinigami had a different approach on the matter as she was one to not believe on the representation. She made a valid point on how the current king was given a chance and had yet to allow other people that luxury. A fact with evidence to support it as we have the Isle of the Lost." I continued, "Audrey then makes a comment and I quote; All the people on the Isle are nothing but criminals, thieves and unlawful. Why should they be given a chance?"

"That girl seriously has no tact and no kindness, despite who she's related to." Emilia mutters.

"It was then that my son had asked a question to Ben, one of curiosity. He asked; Why should they be given a chance? He then said; So what, being born is a crime? I would like to ask your opinion to that question if you may Ms. Godmother. Is being born a crime?"

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