Chapter 01- The Proclamation

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Auradon- Beasts Castle

Across the sea from the dark island known as the Isle of the lost, a grand castle stands tall and vigilant. The castle is located right on the edge of the United States of Auradon and overlooks the whole land. In this castle lives a royal family... well, the royal family of all royal families of the twelve kingdoms. This castle belongs to by King Beast, his lovely wife, Queen Belle, and their three children; Danny, Layla, and Ben Beast. Out of the three siblings, Layla hadn't inherited her fathers beastly tendencies.

The three are currently in the fitting room for Ben's outfit for his up and coming coronation. Despite being the eldest, Danny was not chosen to become the ruler as there were certain complications; One of the biggest reasons why is because from the moment Danny was born, he was different. Danny was born with wolf ears and a tail, one of the many after effects from the curse that the Enchantress bestowed upon Adam to teach the man a lesson. Another factor is that Danny was born with a disorder in the brain that effects his mentality and his actions. So far its been minor, but both Adam and Belle don't want to make things worse as the disorder is effected by stress. Whenever Danny gets stressed, he would get sever panic attacks and in other cases it effects his actions. In addition to his health problems, Danny was born with magic running through his veins.

As for Layla, as bad as it sounds, is because she's gay and in a relationship with the daughter of Cinderella and Kit Charming. Don't get it wrong, both Adam and Belle are major supporters for the LGBTQ community and love their daughter for who she is, but many people, mostly nobles and royals, refuse to have a gay person on the throne. In addition, she too can wield magic like Danny.

With that their only hope is Ben. 

Unlike the two, many people think Ben as the golden child and the apple of the family. The boy is  quite docile, submissive, and overall a doormat. He is someone the Royal Council and many nobles would prefer when it comes to the throne.

The tailor raised the young boys arms while the seamstresses are measuring the legs to make measurements for the Coronation attire. In the meanwhile Ben, Layla, and Danny, look out the window and stare into the horizon towards the Isle of the Lost. Ben turns his head back obediently as the adults try to measure the boys forehead. While that is happening, both Layla and Danny continue to gaze at the dark gloomy island. Once the measurements are done, Ben joins his siblings as he looks out. All three siblings eyes sparkle with empathy, thinking about all the children that live their...trapped and abandoned.

Their hearts ache for them. The children of villains are being punished and presumably treated very badly by their parents, all because of the heroes.

King Adam and Queen Belle walk into the room, both unaware of the thoughts that run through their children minds. 

How is it possible that my boy is going to crowned king next month." Adam asked, chuckling slightly. "You are just a baby."

"He is turning sixteen." Belle admonished as she sends her children a smile. Ben smiles.

"Hey pops." Ben greets. Danny and Layla give their parents a hug.

"Hey mom." Layla said. The older woman coos and kisses her daughters forehead.

"Hey dad." Danny grins. Adam chuckles as he messes with his oldest son's hair affectionately. After a minute, both children stand by their younger brother.

"Sixteen?! You are far too young to be crowned King! I didn't make a good decision until I was at least forty-two!"

"So marrying Belle was not a good decision?"  Layla pondered aloud in amusement. Belle pauses and looks at her husband.

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