Chapter 05- Farewell Isle of the Lost

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(NOTE- The image is to symbolize 'farewell' and 'goodbye' as the main protagonist is saying goodbye to his home before he leaves the Isle)

Scene- Ethan's Cottage

"So. This is where you both live, huh." Mom said as she looks around my son's and my home. The woman blinked as she looks at the surroundings.

"Home sweet home." I said.

"It may not be much, but it has that homely charm." Naruto grinned.

"I-I can see that..." Mom mused.

As I escort her inside, I give her a mini tour around the place. With every room I took her in, her facial expression softened and she looks on in concern. She touched a pillar slightly, only for it to crumble and rubble into dust.

"This place doesn't look safe." She looks at me, "And you both live here? A-are there not any stable places to live in?" 

"Believe it or not Morgana, but this cottage is one of the very few safe and stable places for one to stay in." Grandfather replied, "Other places are either poorly built or house over ten families at a time."

"You're kidding me." Mom looked on upset, "When Adam made the decree to round up the villains and put them on this island, he assured my husband and I that there would be stable housing as well as enough room for a family to have their own accommodations."

"I believe you have been lied to."

"B-But what about food? Water? Electricity?" Mom stiffened. Her demeanour changed to one of pure anger, "Tobias and I have issued special accommodations to make sure that there would be weekly food parcels, hired plumbers to check on the islands plumbing so that the residents can enjoy the water, and have people go here to install electricity for people to enjoy."

"Those never happened mom." The woman swished her head round at me.


"We've never once received any sort of weekly food deliveries. In fact the only sources for food and clothing we do get comes from weekly garbage dumps that Auradon has issued. As for the electricity? Only 10% of the Isle residents get electricity."

"B-But I thought..." Grandfather quickly grabbed a chair as Morgana slumped, "Tobias and I issued for the could this happen?"

"Grandma." It was Naruto who spoke. He gulped, "M-Mom says that you do so much such as maintaining the world, the dimension, and other planets to maintain peace, and order, yes?"

"That's correct Naruto." The Empress' smile softens, "Tobias and I so all we can. We not only rule Auradon, but maintain the natural order of things. Trust me, if I would've learned about the living conditions of the Isle, I would've done something about it."

"Did you by any chance leave the Isle situations to the King and Queen of Auradon?"

"I-I did yes Naruto...and the Royal...Council..."


"They lied to me..." Mom stood up and punched the nearest wall. The entire wall shattered upon impact, "Those b*stards lied to me! When I get my hands on them, they will pay! Oh, they are in major trouble!" She lets out a banshee-esque screech which shattered various of my homes windows.

"Mom. calm down." I plead. Naruto jumped and holds me close, "You're scaring Naruto."

"O-Oh..." Mom blushed, "S-Sorry."

"It seems that there have been many things that need to be discussed." Grandfather said, "Amongst many others that need to be addressed."

"Indeed. I'll have a talk with Tobias later on tonight about it. I do hope we can get your accounts for everything that happens on the Isle of the Lost Ethan?"

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