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We spent the rest of the vacation tucked into our nice little bubble.

Cal and I didn't spend too much time addressing the big surprise in our life, instead we opted to just enjoy our time in Aruba and think about the baby when we got back home.

Now that we are home it's the only thing on my mind, especially since I don't have any beaches or pretty fish to distract me anymore. 

We just got in the car, James greeting us with a smile and a warm embrace after I gave him a hug. I missed our car conversations.

"Going home?" James asks, glancing at us through the rearview mirror.

"Actually I'm going back to my apartment" I give him a soft smile and he nods, rolling the divider back up.

Cal looks at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"As much as I would love to go back to your place, I need a shower and I need to do laundry, plus I'd like to see my sister" I tuck one of my legs under my butt.

He presses his lips together tightly and looks ahead. "I'll have someone collect your things from her place and move them to mine"

"What?" I chuckle.

"You're having my child, Nora" he pulls out his phone like he's about to make arrangements right now. "I won't have you living separate from me"

"Cal," I scoot closer to him and put my hand over his phone which makes him look over at me. "We can talk about it, but I don't want you to just make the decision for me"

"This isn't up for discussion" his voice is cold and I pull back a little.

His tone startles me. He's never been short with me before, with clients and business partners all the time, but never with me.

I chew on my bottom lip and look out the window in thought. I know why he wants me to live with him, he doesn't want to miss out on anything and he wants to be there for me. I want those same things. I think I'm just nervous about things moving so quickly, which in hindsight I guess it's a little too late for that considering that we're having a baby together.

Cal takes me by surprise by pulling me back over to him and putting me on his lap, securing me with his strong arms. "I need the both of you safe and taken care of" he snakes his hand around my stomach and I feel butterflies erupt beneath his touch. "I can only guarantee that if you're with me"

"I know" I smile softly and wrap my arms around his neck, messing with his soft black hair. "How about I come over after work tomorrow and we can talk?"

"You're not working tomorrow Pumpkin, you need to rest after traveling all day" he kisses my neck sweetly.

"I'm not tired" I tease. "Plus it'll be easier for us to just ride to your place together. James won't have to come pick me up"

He gives me a look but doesn't push the subject. "I'll have a moving company pack your things and move them to our place"


"We have a lot of things to discuss tomorrow" he cuts me off. "This isn't one of them"

I roll my lips together and take a deep breath. "At least wait until I tell Karman" my body settles against his and he rubs my back soothingly. "It's been a lot with me in a short amount of time and she'll be worried more than anything"

Cal nods before kissing me deeply, his lips molding against mine and his stubble scratching my face just right. "How are you feeling?" he asks sincerely.

"I don't think it's hit me yet" I glance down at my stomach where his hand still rests. "I just keep thinking about how fast my life is moving and it's a little...daunting"

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