Maggie's POV:
Glenn hooked his arm around my waist, we knew she would be heartbroken.

"We have new people" Carl spoke up.


All of us fled the cell room, heading to the newcomers. "i'm Tyreese" A muscular man held out his hand. Rick just stared him dead in the eyes. Hershel spoke up from the corner "Sasha, Alan, Ben" he pointed at the others with his crutches. "how'd you get in" Rick questioned the new group. Tyreese stood proud protecting his family "fire damage on the administrative part of the prison, walls down" he claimed. "That side, completely overrun with walkers, how'd you get this far" Rick asked. We were all shocked that they were here, and able to get through those herds of walkers. "we didn't...we lost our friend Donna" Tyreese announced. "they were lost in the tombs" Carl spoke up from beside Glenn. Rick turned to us, disappointed. "and you brought them here?" . "he had no choice" Hershel defended Carl. Rick turned back to the others "i'm sorry about your friend...we know what it's like" . "Hershel said you could use some extra hands, we're no stranger to hard-work. We'll go out, get our own food, stay out of your hair. You got a problem with another group? We'll help with that too, anything to contribute" Tyreese offered. They seemed decent enough, their offers were really tempting but it wasn't my say or call to make. Rick had refused to take them in, couldn't handle more responsibility of losses. Hershel tried to plead with him, begging him to rethink his decisions.

Y/N's POV:
Miles sat beside me, finally with me rather than the baby. He's been with Judith every day since she was born, but today he was with me. He clearly knew something was wrong. I laid on my stomach, brushing his fur with my fingers. Tears flowed down my cheeks. I love Daryl so much i can't believe he left. I understand why he left because he found his's been what? a year since he's seen him. In this world if you meet anyone you haven't seen in a long time, it's a miracle. I'm angry that he left without telling me but i love him too much to stay angry with him. Which is why i'm sad. I am struggling so much to know to decide which emotions i'm feeling, especially that i'm on my period.

Daryl's POV:
Merle and I had been walking in the woods for a long time, reaching over and under each branch. "so, what's that i hear you gotta girlfriend?" Merle spoke up. Fuck sake. I didn't want him to know about Y/N. "what's it to yeh?" i asked him. Merle held his hands out in defence "woah hol' on now. My lil brothers got himself a girlfriend. I think it has something to do with me. Hey, how come you only had one night stands and now the worlds ended you finally get a girlfriend" he laughed. God this man was so fucking annoying. "none of yeh business" i hissed. "oh come on now. How did my itty bitty lil brother manage to pull a girl?" he joked. He was clearly trying to wind me up like always and it was annoying. "she's the best human i have ever met. She's sweet and beautiful-" My thoughts were interrupted my Merle cackling in the woods. "god she has got you wrapped around her fingers. You are absolutely smitten by this woman. You've gone soft" . "fuck of" i cursed. This man drove me insane but he's my brother! "Yeahh! there's that hard, tough man you've always been. Your girlfriend makes you that too i'm assuming" I couldn't help but think of Y/N's head bobbing up and down me. Fuck the way she did things to me. "ahh she does!! I knew it!" Merle laughed. My thoughts returned to my girlfriend. The group should have been back by now. Y/N im so sorry!


"we can go West, a little bit South thats what i think" i murmured. Merle laughed "you know i think? I may have lost my hand but you lost your sense of direction" he snarled. "yeah we'll see" i continued my motion through the woods. "you wanna bet?" my brother spoke up, leaning against a tree. "don't wanna bet on nothin. Just a body of water. Why's everything gotta b a competition with yer?" i asked moving forward. "woah take it easy lil brother, just tryna have a lil fun here, no need to get your panties all in a bundle" I paused my motion, hearing something crying in the distance. "yeh hear that?" i asked him. "yeah, wild animals getting wild" Merle smiled. "that's a baby" i mumbled. "oh come on, why don't you piss in my ear and tell me it's raining, that there is the sound of a couple coons making love sweet love, y'know what i mean" he motioned his hips and laughing. Fucking hell this man was sick. I moved my limbs, exiting the forest. A bridge emerged in sight, screaming had cursed through the air. "HEY! JUMP!" Merle laughed. Why did he never take anything seriously?!

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