Y/N's POV:
I had woke up without Miles on his bed, curiosity had taken over me, he was probably downstairs with the group. I smiled at the sight of the sun rays through the bars at the window.

I exited my cell to see very few people. I trekked my way downstairs and into Hershel's cell, to see him bright as ever. It was so heartwarming to see! Beth, Lori and Carl had been talking to him about how he felt. "mornin' sleepyhead" Hershel looked up from at me. I smiled at him, resting my head on the bars "hey Hershey- do you guys know where Miles is?" i asked. Lori turned back to me "oh he was with Daryl, last time i saw him" she murmured.

"you ready to try them?" Carl smiled, holding crutches. "ready as I'll ever be" he smiled, taking the crutches into his grasp.

Hershel stood up, wobbling. Beth and Lori held their hands out stabilising him. Hershel started to laugh to himself "i'm okay" he smiled.

We had all exited the cell block heading outside into the fresh air. The sun hit my eyes, adjusting to the sudden change in light. I looked out towards Daryl, he had stretched the fence gates, allowing Rick and Glenn to carry logs inside. Miles had stayed by his side, wagging his tail, i couldn't help but smile at them both. "ALRIGHT HERSHEL!!" Glenn cheered. "you're doing great daddy!" I turned my attention to Beth. "ready for a race Hershel?" Carl snickered. "give it another day, i'll take you on" he smiled.

Moments of silenced past, i had focused on Daryl who was now grinning at me. "WALKERS! LOOK OUT!" Carl screamed. I turned my attention to the walkers, pulling out my gun ready to fire. "Beth, get Hershel to safety!" i uttered. Hershel and Beth began to move towards the stairs, opening the gates. Guns had fired, echoing in the silence. Out the corner of my eye, i saw Rick, Daryl and Glenn running towards us, struggling to open the gates. Miles had trailed behind them.

The walkers had gained on us "Lori! Carl! Y/N!!" Maggie called out. I grazed Lori's elbow telling her to move. We had all progressed inside the cells, the silence was extremely eery. Walkers had emerged from our cell blocks. "shit!!" we had all ran into the corridor, slamming the gate shut behind us.

An alarm had sounded, echoing in the darkness. A blinking light flashed on and off, making it hard to picture anything in the darkness.

Lori stopped, looking down at her pants. Her water had broke, starting labour. Maggie led us into a boiler room, Carl shut the door behind us.

Lori started screaming in pain "you need to take your pants off!" Maggie told her. Lori had tried pushing. "mom- you're bleeding..." Carl spoke up from the darkness. Lori placed her hand down her pants, reaching out with thick blood on her palms.

Daryl's POV:
An alarm cursed the air, Rick had began shouting at the other inmates, asking them what it was. I turned back to Miles and then back to Beth and Hershel. I had walked up to them "can you look after Miles, i would never forgive myself if he got hurt" i mumbled. Beth and Hershel nodded, opening the gate. "go" i muttered, pointing up the stairs. Miles ran up to Hershel, Beth hugged him close. "stay!" . Hershel shut the gate, placing his support against the bars.

Y/N's POV:
Lori had agreed to take off her pants and Maggie and I helped her. Lori had nestled herself on the floor, her knees brought up to the ceiling. "Shit, it's a c-section job- the baby isn't crowning and you're bleeding- this isn't good!!" I murmured. Carl stood at the door preparing to shoot anything that came in. "I- we can't let you die!" Maggie exclaimed. "do it. Get my baby out, i know what i'm up against..." Lori frowned. Tears swelled in Maggie's eyes. Carl made his way towards his mum, "baby i don't want you to be scared" she murmured now that Carl was by her side. "This is what i want. This is right. You take care of your daddy for me, alright? You take care of your little brother or sister okay?" she continued. "you don't have to do this" Carl cried. "you are gunna be fine. You are gunna beat this world! I know you will! You are smart, you are strong and you are so brave!" I turned to Maggie whose eyes were fixated on the two, tears had formed in her eyes. Lori wiped her son's tears from his eyes, making me turn my attention to them both. "and i love you!" she cried, her voice strong. "i love you too" Carl's eyes weeped.

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