I sat down on the sloshy grass once again. The forest was quiet, only few distant walkers could he heard. "did yeh really not know about the walkers in the barn?" he suddenly turned to me. I turned to face him, our eyes met. "Daryl, i swear on my life i didn't know a single thing about the barn. I knew Hershel wanted to deal with walkers in his own way, but i didn't know he kept them in the barn, i thought he just killed them a specific way" i mumbled. Daryl turned away looking back to Miles.

The awkward silence was eery as nothing was to be apprehended. "i'm...sorry about your family" he grumped.

Daryl's POV:
I turned away, embarrassed. "i'm sorry about your brother..." she retaliated. Wait, how did she know? i never told her. I manoeuvred my crown, her eyes fixated on the grass she was pulling from the ground. "Carol told me. Well, she only told me that you lost your brother, so i am sorry" . Hershel's words replayed over and over in my head- she really did care for me?

Y/N's POV:
He clearly didn't want to talk about it. Sympathy struck like a boulder, he had basically no one. He had the group but i think he feels more lonely now than ever. "If you want, and ONLY if you feel better tomorrow, you can try train Miles into becoming a hunting dog" i smiled to him. Daryl looked out from the tent the sun penetrating his eyes, the blue shook brighter than ever. "thanks..." he mumbled, looking back to Miles, stroking his fur. "What do yer think Hershel will do?" . I looked back at the house, Maggie and Glenn had sat on the porch. "i don't know..." dread sunk in me, i don't want him to kick the group out. "i'm hoping i can try talk some sense in him" i reminded myself that i needed to speak to them all. "i know yeh will" . I felt heat rise to my cheeks

"What did you and the group do before this? Carol said you were at a camp, is that all?" i asked turning back to him, hiding my blush. "yeah, it got overrun so we headed for CDC, it was a total shit show. The doctor locked us in there, he explained that the place would blow up when the last generator is out of power. It was awful. We managed to get out, almost to get eaten by walkers. We were on the road for a while, running out of fuel but then Carl got shot so we ended up here" he paused. This group has been through so much- "what about you? you always with them" he nodded to Maggie sitting on the porch. She was talking to Glenn, probably flirting even. I have noticed they've been flirting for a long time now, no clue if they have made it official tho.

"no, i found them a few weeks before you guys got here. When the dead began to rise, i was living in an house with a roommate, she came back one night with a huge bite mark, said that a homeless drunk tried to attack her. Next day, she was a flesh eating monster. She was the walker who made me realise hitting the brain finally puts them down. Me and Miles left once we ran out of food and we headed here, then you guys showed up"


I had left Daryl with Miles, i believe they began to play fetch with a stick Miles had found.

"Hershey, you can't keep walkers in the Barn! I know Annette and Shawn are there, but you can't bring them back! Daryl said they went to CDC and it was done for! There is no cure!" i yelled. The house was quiet as Hershel and I was...talking? yelling? at each other. "I don't have to explain myself to you" he cursed moving his limp body towards the kitchen. "Hershel please! You have to listen to me, there is no cure, you are putting everyone here in danger! Even your own daughters! I have seen things, i have had to kill walkers! They are dangerous!" i called out, walking to him. "Daddy, she's right. When me and Glenn were out on a run, a walker tried to bite me, Glenn stopped it" I turned back to Maggie who was also trying to plead with Hershel. "They are sick!" he exclaimed. Hershel smashed his hand down on the table, not very hard but harsh enough to cause a crash erupting the silence. Maggie moved her way around the counter holding onto Hershel's arm "daddy please, listen to us! They are monsters, they don't even know who they are anymore!" she exclaimed. Hershel moved away from her grasp further into to the house "that's it im kicking them out!" . "NO!" Maggie and I screamed in unison. Hershel turned his head, his eyes meeting ours. I saw Maggie's face full of terror, i know she loves Glenn and is terrified to see him go. "please- let them stay" she pleaded as tears swelled in her eyes.

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