Daytime turned to nighttime, pretty quickly. The sun began to set, the last rays of light stretched out on the field. Glenn had offered himself to guard the buildings, especially now that Daryl and Maggie could come back at anytime. Hershel, Beth and Carl as far as i knew were in the hallway outside the cell block.

I decided to join Glenn in the tower; for many reasons I have always loved the sun set but more importantly i was waiting for Daryl and Maggie to come back, it became scary that they were out there especially now that it was becoming dark and that they were on a motorbike!

Glenn hoisted his weapon up, meeting my eyes. I put my hands up in defence "it's me" i smiled. Glenn lowered his weapon "sorry" he murmured. "no need to apologise, you were defending yourself" I leant against the metal bars, the cold hit me.

"tough day huh..." i started the conversation. Glenn nodded leaning on the bars like i did. "hey..i never asked but what happened to Carol and T?" i questioned. Glenn shook his head, unable to respond. Sadness stretched through my mind, both of them were great friends. "We found T, his body was crowded by two for Carol, we haven't found her...god i feel so sorry for Rick..." he muttered. I nodded in agreement. I had no clue where Rick was- no one did. He hadn't come out of the building since he went in. I knew he needed time to process, but we were all worried about him being alone, especially after the fact that he was dazed moments following he found out his wife died. "I wonder what Carl will call her, Miles is very protective of her, ever since he saw her, he's been by her side the entire time" i smiled, looking back at the cell block. Glenn smiled to himself "he's a good dog" . I returned my sight to the sun set, "yeah, he is. He loves everyone here so much" . Glenn paused for a moment "how long have you and Daryl been together?" he asked, breaking the silence. "not long, a couple days i guess. I'm losing track of time" i responded. Glenn laughed to himself "you and me both" . I decided to turn the tables "what about you and Maggie? How long you two been sneakily hiding your relationship" i smirked. "a while, we made it official back on the farm" he responded. Oh my god. "not gunna lie, i kind of thought that you both made it official back then" i smiled. I could see Glenn look at me in the corner of my eye. "was it that obvious?" he rubbed his neck. "not really, but to the people who observe a lot- yes it was" i turned to him, starting to laugh to myself.

"can i ask you something?" i started. Glenn looked at me "does everyone know about Daryl and I's relationship?" i asked, continuing on from my sentence. Glenn sighed, turning back to the gates. "if you're asking if i told your secret, no i haven't but everyone thinks you're together anyway" he smiled. "oh god" i sighed, my eyes pierced the rays of light. "was is that obvious?" . "yes" Glenn stated coldly. The tone was soon turned into laughter as a smile stripped across my face. "how?" i dread to ask. "well, you both are in the best moods when you're around each other. You're always hugging, laughing, smiling so on. He was the coldest person i had ever met, he would curse at us for no reason, would start fights whenever he could- not all of them were verbal. But then you came along and it's like his whole personality changed, his world even. You were like the lighter to his burnt out candle. If he ever shouts at you, he doesn't mean it because we all know he loves you too much" he smiled. "the same to you and Maggie. You two are perfect for each other" .

"why do you ask anyway?" he turned back to me. "Carl and i were talking, he asked when Daryl and I were going to have our own baby" i snickered. Glenn bursted into laughter at my comment. "no way!" he laughed. I just nodded. "so- when are you?" he asked, a smirk stripped across his face. I rolled my eyes "oh my god" .


I left Glenn in the guard tower, heading back to the group in the cell block. Miles ran up to me, jumping up, happy to see me "hey buddy" i smiled, ruffling his hair. The rest of us had crowded in the room next to the cells. The baby was crying, clearly hungry. Carl tried his best to comfort her but was failing. "do you want me to take her?" i asked, Carl clearly tired.

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