It was the next day, the sun shone bright over the farm. I was once again back in the guest bed after Carl had recovered. I sat up from the comfortable bed and decided it was time to get up.

"Morning Hershey" i said as i strolled out from my room. Hershel laughed in delight from his nickname. "Morning Y/N. how does it feel sleeping in your own bed again?" i yawned "absolutely amazing" i laughed, pouring myself a glass of water. Miles followed out of the kitchen and stretched his legs, yawning too. "Well good morning to you too!" Hershel laughed. "I thought you were spending the night with Daryl mister!" i laughed. I turned back to the living room, it was quiet as it was early in the morning. The sun peered through the curtains once again lighting up the house. Natural light was always amazing to me, no electricity. "is there anything you needed me to do today?" i asked him. "Can you feed the horses please?" he trailed of, looking out the window and towards the group "something wrong?" i asked him. I looked myself towards the group, i just saw them all outside doing laundry and what not. "just feel this days gunna be eventful" he mumbled to himself. "dont worry too much" i smiled and headed outside.

I had wondered into the stables to find Beth cleaning them. "morning Beth!" i smiled. "hello!" she started. "hey you don't happen to know where the other horse is?" she said pointing at an empty stable. "no i haven't got a clue" i responded.


My shift with the stables ended so out of boredom i walked around the group to see how they were doing. I hadn't been too focused with the group so i didn't know who was doing what. Dale had just climbed down from the top of his RV, letting Andrea take over watch. "Hey guys! How have you been?" i asked. "Good, you? Wheres Miles i miss that lil guy" Dale smiled. I laughed and turned calling to the house. My whistle deafened the silence, Miles, who had been waiting on the porch, came flooding towards me. "Hi sweetie!!" Andrea said, her smile gaped ear to ear. Miles was extremely excited to see the group, jumping up at Dale and Andrea "Miles we talked about jumping up at people!" i vocalised.

I had said my goodbyes to Dale and Andrea, as Andrea started to ascend the RV. "come on boy" i said to Miles, picking up a stick. I had stumbled my way over to T-Dog who had been sitting on a tree stump readdressing his arm, "Hey T, how's your arm now?" i asked. T-Dog looked away from his wrist and back up to me his eyes blocking the sun. "gettin there, thanks. How have you been?" . i nodded, throwing the stick for Miles "so, so" . Awkward silence occurred leaving me to my thoughts "well, let me know if you need anything" i added, leaving.

"Hello!" . Lori, Carol and Carl all looked up from their laundry, Lori looked extremely pale "hii!" they uttered. "You don't look so good Lori, do you want Hershel to check you out?" i asked looking down at her. "I should be okay, thanks Y/N" she responded, sheepishly looking down at her laundry. I darted my eyes to the ground, noticing their wrinkled hands "want me to take over?" i offered. Miles ran up to Carl, dropping the stick and licking his face. "Fetch!!" Carl said throwing the stick as far as he could. Miles barked running after the stick once again.

"WALKER, WALKER" I heard Andrea scream. I looked towards the direction she was pointing at. and there it was, a stumbling walker roaming around the field. "Hershel want's to deal with walkers!" Rick shouted, his eyes staring at Shane who was ready to kill the walker. "What for man? we got it covered" shane interrupted. Me, Rick, Shane and T-Dog had ran towards the stumbling walker ready to attack it. "NO GUNS!" Rick shouted back to the group. I'm thankful for Rick, without him no one would listen. Hershel made it very clear he didn't want anyone with a gun, not even to kill a walker, as Hershel wanted to deal with walkers his way. As we got closer to the limping figure, we noticed it was...Daryl!! "Is that Daryl?" T-Dog asked. Daryl just stared at us four. "it's the third time you've pointed that thing at my head!!" he huffed, his voice low and husky. I lowered my weapon sighing in relief "yer gunna pull the trigger or what?!" he growled at Rick

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