Servant verse merlin

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UPDATED: i decided i could make some stuff better added what Merlin looks like and some interactions also what their room would look like.

Name: merlin(false)

Aliases: The sightless THING,That Man, Cosmic Truth Seeker Merlin,Universal Wilder Myrddin.

Class:Foreigner (dear god now he has elderitch powers beyond human comprehension)

summonable classes: berserker,Avenger,Caster.

Outer God Contracted with: Cxaxukluth, Illimitable Androgynous Desire.(pic at top and pronunciation Ksak-sa-kluth)

Region: Servant universe


Alignment: Neutral 1st and 2nd ascension Chaotic Evil 3rd and 4th

Hidden attribute: Star

Armament: Sword,Staff,Spear,Tome.

Likes:Trying to understand why WE exist,Books(1st and 2nd ascension) Destruction,The clarity she gave me,books(3rd and 4th ascension)

Dislikes: The dick wizard jokes, Most other Servant Verse servants.

Fears: Stuff I does not understand(which is not a lot of things)


Endurance: A+

Agility: B++

Mana: EXX

Luck: D

NP: A++
                        CLASS SKILLS

Existence out side the domain: EX

Divinity: B

Magic Resistance: A+

Mixed-Blood: EX

Independent manifestation: A++

Madness Enhancement: C-
                     PERSONAL SKILLS

Cxaxukluth favor: EX
Arts,Buster and quick crit rate and damage up.

Eldritch Illusions:A
Applies Invincible for 3 times for 6 Turns and invul pierce immune also applies Terror for 3 turns.
(very balanced)

1st and 2nd ascension,Book Of The Cosmos(Skill): EX
Just like what emiya can do this changes my NP type.

3rd and 4th ascension,
Path Of Destruction: A
Increases Np gauge by 50% and gain a small amount of crit stars.

Clairvoyance: EX
Having his eye sight taken away by Cxaxukluth he must use clairvoyance to see instead of his normal eyes.

Np for 1st and 2nd ascension:

Book Of the Cosmos. Anti Army,Unit. C-A+
A noble phantasm that can be a support and offensive noble phantasm at the use of Book Of The Cosmos(skill).
Buster Np: just big damage

Quick Np: If there is a missing slot of where a ally would be he summons creatures in their place they then have target focus applied

Arts Np: Applies Np charge,crit stars and hp per turn to all allies.

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