The Search for the League of Villains

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Deku: The War Ridden Hero! I hope you all haven't been waiting too long for this story to come out, as I had been too busy with other stories. And speaking of stories, I had recently released a new story called Star Wars x MHA: Holocron give it a read! No image this week so I hope you all enjoy and let's begin the chapter!

Izuku moved throughout the entirety of Japan as he searched for Shigaraki and the rest of the League of Villains. He had a bone to pick with them as he had been reasonably angered based on his recurring nightmares that he suffered from as he witnessed those, he connected with in this timeline being killed by him and his friends. As he traveled across the entire country for days on end without sleep, he was pushing himself to the utter limit of his bodies capabilities as he searched for the villains. Jumping from roof top to roof top he moved throughout the city of Shizuoka in his search for Shigaraki Tomura. He found a small warehouse as he busted through the doors as soon as he found that it had been recently used. Looking at the recent battle that had taken place in the building, he noticed some blood that held some significance to the area. Pulling out a cotton swab and collecting it to test, he placed it in a small plastic bag and put it away in his backpack. Turning around to look at the place a little bit more he felt something ooze out of his back and place a hand over his shoulder. Looking up behind his head, he found Shimura Nana staring at him in concern, and she wasn't alone. All Might stood there in his more golden and glowing aura as he sadly stared at his protege with sadness encompassing him. 

"Little guy, you really need to take a break. You are running yourself ragged, what happens when you don't have the strength to fight against villain's who are mere thugs compared to your full power?" Nana asked, worriedly. "As much as I would like to have some kind of rest Nana-san, but I really need to bring an end to Tomura. I know that he is a true threat at the moment, and since he hasn't taken All for One, I cannot allow him to be out on the street for much longer." Izuku retorted as he turned to leave but then he felt a hand land on his shoulder, it was much harder. "Young Midoriya, I don't know how much I should tell you that I am sorry... I died without telling you about the battle I'd be facing would be my final one. But you need to rest, I don't care about what you are doing... but you need to at least get some sleep. A Hero cannot help others if he is already about to drop from exhaustion. It's illogical." All Might said, mustering up all his inner Aizawa into his tone. 

Izuku stared at All Might's vestige for a small while before his body physically relaxed as he nodded at his predecessor. Moving out of the building, Izuku took off for the nearest building where he could fall asleep without having to worry about nearby villains that could take advantage of him.


Over the next few weeks, Izuku would lay off on his journey of finding Tomura as he spent much more time taking breaks in order to sleep and rejuvenate his energy. He was currently looking around a city on the far north side of Japan near Deika when he heard a massive explosion nearby. Flying over to the area using Float, Izuku came across a scene that he had thought was impossible to ever think about seeing. He saw a giant the size of a mountain fighting a group of people who had very similar quirks that he had seen before in both a recent attack by them as well as a future he wishes never existed. Landing nearby, he kept his profile low so that those nearby wouldn't be capable of sensing his presence nearby. Looking at the giant though, he kept sniffing the air as if he was trying to find his scent within the forest as he had not taken a shower in a week. So he wasn't going to be sensed or smelled based on how the giant was lifting his head to sniff the air. Although, Izuku kept watching the group fight the giant as Izuku finally heard the voice he had been wanting to hear as well as bring to justice. 

"God Damn It! Why won't you join my party!?" Tomura screamed in fury. "You are not Master, and I do not view you as someone who could replace him when he inevitably dies. Until you lose your entitlement issues, I will not follow you." The giant said, as Izuku learned that the giant was neutral at the moment. But for further notes, he was an ally of All for One... this would not do so well since in his timeline they were able to become allies. "Come on crusty, we need to leave. We can't allow for the police to know about our presence near Deika." Dabi said, as he moved to walk into a portal given to them by the doctor. 

Tomura was about to enter the portal last, when a black whip projectile had landed on his upper torso and pulled him away from all prying eyes. And as the villain turned around to see who had attacked him just now, he found himself face to fist with Izuku. Tomura was knocked out from the single hit as Izuku kept him wrapped up in his Black Whip Quirk and took off to the nearest police station that wouldn't allow him to escape. Inside the Police Station within Musutafu, Izuku sat nearby with Naomasa Tsukauchi as they glared at Shigaraki Tomura. Looking at one another they had started questioning Tomura in order to find the base where they are using so that they could bring the other's in and take them to prison. But the young villain wouldn't budge, stating that if his master were here, he would break him out without any kind of issues. And since they couldn't bring him to answer their questions, Naomasa had sent hundreds of police to the area near Deika City in order to find and catch the remaining members of the League. Izuku had done him a service by managing to catch Shigaraki without being seen by anyone who could notice him.

On the other side of the country within Jaku hospital, Doctor Daruma Ujiko would scowl as he looked over some footage of the forest where Gigantomachia was living. He had managed to catch a subtle glance at a small figure nearby where a small black whip projectile had gotten Tomura when his guard was down. Slamming his fist onto the table, he looked over to one of the test tubes that had shown a man with an ominous 9 symbol over their forehead. He then began to type up a written code on the computer as he began to make sure that this new project would complete the mission his master had told him to do. This person had a copy of the copy of All for One, although it was definitely weaker than the original All for One Quirk that was given to Daruma early on in his career so that they could clone it and make the second one weaker. The doctor scowled even more as the resulting simulation ended in failure and he spoke out loud to nothing in particular. 

"You were the perfect test subject in order to perfect All for One's Quirk factor and steal One for All! Damn it Shigaraki Tomura. In order to keep the wishes of Master All for One alive, I need to keep your mouth shut, even if you are keeping quiet about your friends' locations. It's only a matter of time before they are caught anyway. Not my problem, I still have my Nomu program going on." Daruma said, as he continued to type away as we get a closer look at the subject with a nine over their forehead.

He had long flowing white hair that was flowing softly in the tank of weird green fluid. There were mysterious lines that moved along his skin as they pulsed with a purple power as they prevented him from being used. His body type was that of a tall and lanky guy but held a large amount of muscle in the arms that were disguised as an Olympic Swimmer's physique. He suddenly twitched inside the tank as the doctor worked hard on doing his computer work that he never noticed how the man was starting to move more and more whilst unconscious. And when he opened his eyes, they were a devilish purple color that glowed ominously.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter so far, and I know that you all probably want some of my chapter's to be longer than only around 1500 words. I just have a hard time thinking about what to write for these stories that it is just purely... improvisation and I can't do anything about it. Sometimes I improvise and it leads to me making some kind of thing that happened before and having it be usurped and not counted as a truly real thing happening. So I hope you all have a great week, and I will see you all in the next chapter! Chao~

1509 Words!

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