Villain's Attack... Again!

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A/N Hello everyone and welcome back to another chapter of Deku: The War Ridden Hero! I hope you all enjoyed the previous 11 chapters of this story as this will be the finale of the previous 11 chapters of not the story but this entire arc! Izuku will be showing the Villains' why you don't mess with someone who is completely traumatized from the future! Without further ado, let's begin!

Izuku kept an eye out in the forest for a major portion of the night, the third day of training for Class 1-A and 1-B had finally ended a few hours ago. Everyone had been training very hard, and the Pussycats had wanted to make sure that the students could at least have some fun before going to bed. And Izuku was on top of the cottage within the forest as he kept an eye out for where the Villains would show up. Izuku held up his Danger Sense so that he could make sure to help his classmates in case of something bad happening. He watched as some of the students below were looking up at him as he was wearing his Hero Costume for some reason. They were miffed at how they couldn't wear their own Hero Costumes as well, before they were informed that Izuku was going to be their bodyguard for the rest of the year. 

Ironically, this was Izuku's birthday as well so the fact that he was starting to get antsy about today... made Izuku very worried. And as soon as the festivities within the camp had started, Izuku continued to stretch his Danger Sense as far as he could to both Classes 1-A and 1-B to make sure they stayed safe. But it wasn't much longer before Izuku saw the first sign of an attack happening as he saw a blue fire billowing out far into the forest. Izuku immediately took off towards where Mandalay was last located in order to inform the woman about what happened with Kota and that he would bring him back to camp. 

With Izuku flying towards where Mandalay was located, all the students had begun to run into Villains who were in search of something within the forest. Shoji and Tokoyami had teamed up in order to take down a few villains that were mere thugs at best, but they decided to try and search for the cottage to find refuge. But it wasn't long before Dark Shadow decided to take over Tokoyami's body in search of destruction within the forest. Ochako and Tsuyu had run into a girl with blonde hair and slitted cat eyes that were golden in color. Bakugo and Todoroki had run into a Nomu who had chainsaw arms as well as a crazed face, not only that, but they were going against a new villain who was a serial killer mixed with a cannibal. 

Izuku had soon finally found Mandalay as he informed her about the plans of the villains within the forest as well as told her about Kota. As soon as she gave the students permission to use their quirks to defend themselves, they immediately began to change the course of the battle. 


Izuku flew around the forest as he searched for Kota's position where his cliff was at originally, he knew that the boy would be meeting the murderer of his parents. And as soon as he found the boy staring at a large, cloaked man walking towards him, Izuku increased his speed as well as strength in order to land a surprise attack. His power was leagues above of what it used to be in his timeline, and he couldn't help but admire how he was moving faster than he used to. He even heard what Muscular was informing Kota about when he got closer and closer. 

"You remind me of the two Hero Bastards who took my own eye! You must be their kid, right? What was their names again?" The man mocked, as Izuku touched down behind the man. 

He quietly moved faster than before as he rushed the cloaked man and as he jumped into the air, he swung his foot towards the taller man's head. The man instantly heard the whooshing sound of wind to his left, and immediately felt metal smacking his face as he was sent into the mountain face. 

"KOTA! GET TO THE CAMP, NOW!" Izuku called out, as the boy nodded and ran off. Izuku turned back to Muscular who had his cloak knocked off himself, and he was looking at Izuku with a happy glare. "Ah, you must be the one that Shigaraki wanted dead. I will make sure that you are nothing more than a smear on the ground!" Muscular called out happily. "You won't win, I am stronger than the last time we met. And you will not get past me." Izuku said, confusing Muscular before the man shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever, I can't wait to see you bleed!" Muscular called out, as he activated his quirk. 

Izuku immediately called upon Black Whip in order to launch himself towards Muscular with unparalleled speed. Smacking into the Villain at max speed, he sent a flurry of punches and kicks into the Villain as he started to use more quirks at his disposal in order to defeat Muscular. And it wasn't even a competition anymore, as Izuku managed to knock the villain out with his flurry of attacks. As soon as Izuku watched the smoke from his onslaught of attacks clear up, he found that Muscular was standing straight up, but unconscious. He had beaten the man so badly, that his body locked up and kept him standing upright completely unconscious. 

Izuku wrapped the man in black whip and flew off towards Aizawa as he was the only one who could stop the villain's quirk from coming out. He ran into many other students who were fighting their own battles against some of the villains in the area. But there was two students who were having issues within a smoke cloud that billowed around a small figure within the gas. Izuku aimed a small blast of air into the gas as he caused the gas to come upright into the air as he allowed those down below to look at him in confusion, which bought Tetsutetsu enough time to land blow after blow on the young man with his quirk knocking the boy out immediately. 

Izuku then threw Muscular over to where the cottage was located, and unknowingly had made the body land on the Flame powered villain Aizawa was conveniently fighting against. He landed near Ochako and Tsuyu as they were both having difficulties with the villainess they were fighting. Her name as soon as he asked what was going on, was Himiko Toga... something inside Izuku had stopped him immediately as soon as that name was heard. Shaking his head, he flew towards the young girl as he landed multiple blows against her that caused her to throw up the blood she had consumed from Tsuyu and Ochako. Izuku had even broken her machine that helped her siphon blood from those who she stole blood from. 

As soon as all the blood she had siphoned from the group of students had been splattered on the ground, Himiko stared at the blood for a moment before feeling something chop the back of her neck. As she collapsed to the ground, she could only remember seeing a black wispy tentacle wrapping itself around her body and for some reason her body instinctively curled up in the warm tentacle. Izuku then made sure to wrap the other two girls in a similar wispy tentacle to keep them with him in the air as he flew towards other students. He continued this trend of saving fellow students before wrapping them up in Black Whip before moving on to the next one. 

Soon enough he had all the classes in his Black Whip and was making his way high above the forest in order to get to the cottage within the forest and wait for everyone to arrive. As soon as he locked everyone within a small room, the teachers had soon entered the room with smirks on their faces. 

"Good job students, you defended yourselves from a villain attack once again. Thank you all for coming straight here." Aizawa said, as he sat down at a desk. Within a matter of hours, considering the villain's escaped the area, the other Heroes had arrived and helped them get back home to their parents. Izuku then made a headcount of the class before noticing something odd. "Where's Himiko Toga?" Izuku asked, as the girl was surprisingly gone from her restraints. "I don't know, all I know was that she was here and the next she was gone." Ochako said, as Izuku thought about it before shaking his head. "Nothing we need to worry about right now, we should probably head home and relax for now. The Villain's don't have any of our classmates right now." Izuku said, as the class followed his lead. 

Unaware of the fact that Bakugo was being followed by a certain magician from afar.

A/N That is the end of the chapter! I hope you all are prepared for the next chapter of this story! This Author note is going to be smaller than most others so I hope you all have a great week, and I will see you all later! Get this story up to around 2700 reads if you all want another chapter! See you later guys!

1600 Words!

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