Chapter Twenty-Five

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With everything going on, Luke had no choice but to reschedule dinner with his brother. The male was irked, demanding to know why he was suddenly so busy before he had huffed and hung up.

Luke felt bad having to reschedule, but he had been very busy with his new store, and then Jay's passing took a toll on Aiden. It would be unfair for Luke to abandon Aiden when he needed his friends then, especially as he would soon be paying for a funeral.

"You seem distracted." Wes murmured, sliding his arms around Luke's waist as they settled near the bar. Aiden was in the process of drinking, something Luke was realizing he did quite frequently, and Blair and Lily were on the dance floor.

"I just feel bad that I had to reschedule with Andrew and Camile." Luke admitted lowly.

"Your brother, right?" Wes questioned lowly, and he nodded.

"Yeah, and his girlfriend, practically wife. I just... I would like to be a good friend to Aiden, ya know?" Luke grumbled, and Wes chuckled, his eyes flickering to Aiden before he kissed Luke's cheek.

"Your brother will get over it, darlin. Don't stress." He reassured, and Luke nodded slowly, looking up at Wes.

"Does he always drink this much, or is it the grief?" He found the words tumbling out before he could stop himself. Wes' lips curled into a frown, and he glanced to Aiden, who had Jamison sitting next to him with a single beer in hand.

"Aiden is a functioning alcoholic. He has been for a while now. Jay helped a lot and kept him busy. Right now, it is a mixture of grieving and bad habits." Wes explained softly.

"Can we help any?"

"I am hoping maybe that kid can offer him a distraction." Wes admitted lowly, nodding to Cade, who was sitting a little further off, staring at the dance floor with an almost longing look.

"Seems he needs to heal himself." Luke commented lowly.

"Maybe they can help each other. Aiden likes to help others when he is in the right mindset, at least. It is why he has made for a good dom in the past. It is why he will be a fantastic dom for his future submissive." Wes grunted lowly.

"If he has had submissives before, why did he get Jay to teach him?" Luke asked curiously, his brows knitting together.

"Aiden is still young. His interest in BDSM started when we were in high school. There was nothing overly serious, nothing like what he desires now. When he got out of high school, he dated a few people and tried to find a submissive. They were always in it for his money or his looks, though. So he took a break and asked Jay to teach him what he knew." Wes explained.

"Does...did Jay have a sub?"

"Not currently. He had one for a long time, but he cut things off. Aiden mentioned that he wonders if it is when he discovered the cancer. He used to use his old submissive as an example for Aiden -"

"Wait, Jay had a submissive while he was with Aiden?" Luke's brows knitted together, and Wes rolled his eyes before nodding.

"Yeah. You know Aiden and him weren't physical. So his submissive didn't mind Jay teaching him. Remember, Aiden was only acting as a submissive in order to understand things more as a dominant. Jay's ex enjoyed being watched, and it allowed Aiden to watch how the two interacted. It was a learning experience." Wes explained, and Luke arched an eyebrow.

"You seem to know a lot about this."

"Aiden and I are like brothers. We talk about anything and everything. He was the first person I told about you, even." Wes murmured, squeezing his hand. Luke gave a tiny nod, seeming to consider Wes' words before he shifted to press a kiss to his cheek.

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