Chapter Two

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"What are you doing here?" Luke scowled at his student which climbed into the elevator with him. He could vaguely remember the night before, mostly the fact that he had drank far too much and that he had held onto the male. It was an embarrassing thought to know that he had held onto him, not wanting to let go. Worse than that, he could vaguely remember him carrying him to his apartment, his arms strong around him.

"Oh, I live here." Wes seemed to be way too cocky with his words and they caused his scowl to deepen as he leaned back against the wall, his arms crossing over his chest.
"Oh come on, do not look so glum, Luke."

The words were light, teasing...not taunting. He was toying with Luke and seemed to enjoy doing so as he stepped closer to the male so their arms brushed side by side.
"Mr. Parker." The words were low, warning the male away. The last thing he needed was to be caught alone in an elevator with his student. There was no determining what might happen if anybody got the wrong idea.

"We are not in class." Wes was amused by the warning as he tilted his head back against the wall, staring at the roof of the elevator as they slowly made their way down the floors.

"That does not change anything. You are my student-"

"I am also the male that you wanted to hug last night night and said smells good." His voice was a drawl and caused Luke's cheeks to flush with color before he huffed quietly.

"I was drunk. You are my student and I will not be seen associating with you outside of that relationship." He muttered as the doors opened and he quickly made his way off the elevator. He could not say he was surprised to hear footsteps following close behind him.

"Fine. Let us discuss things as teacher and student. I am looking to do my internship with Aid- er- Mr. Blackwell. When can I start?"

"Meetings will begin next week. This week is to allow students to find a location." Luke sighed heavily as he began to walk, suitcase in hand.
"Have you even done your introductory form yet?" He did not know why he was encouraging the conversation, but Wes seemed pleased by it as he walked in quick strides beside him. It was easier to notice that the male was taller than him; he had also noticed it the previous night when at the bar.

"I plan on having it done tonight." He hummed innocently as he walked with his hands shoved into his pockets.
"So where are we headed?"

Something about the way the male said 'we' was odd and his eyes flickered to him. He was surprised to find he was studying him which caused him to quickly return his gaze in front of him.
"I am going to get a coffee. I do not know where you are going." He made sure to put emphasis on 'I'.

"To get coffee, it would seem. Though I must say, I have never been much of a coffee drinker." Wes chuckled lowly. He was slightly frustrating to Luke and his eyes flickered his way once more. He was accustomed to the quiet during his morning walk to coffee. Though it was oddly nice having somebody to talk with, despite the male being a nuisance.

"Mr. Parker," he sighed heavily and paused in his steps, turning to face him. He was surprised to find the male had immediately halted and turned to face him as well.
"I am your professor. Why do you suddenly have an interest in me?"

"Just because you are my professor does not mean I cannot find you to be an attractive man. If I am truly bothering you, please let me know and I will leave you alone." Wes studied the male who appeared conflicted, eyeing him cautiously before he simply grunted and returned to walking.

"You aren't bothering me." The words were soft spoken and earned a smirk from Wes who returned to walking by his side.
"I am just a professor...trying to talk to you about your internship and what I think may be best." It sounded like Luke was trying to convince himself more than Wes.

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