Chapter Ten

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Luke let out a low sigh as he packed his bags to return to class for the first day since the break was over. He made his way to the door, startling when he found Wes about to knock. He raised a brow, studying him curiously when he noticed the male was in jeans and a black, button up shirt which was folded up to his elbows.

"Well, good morning," Wes mused, his hand falling back to his side as he smirked at him. Luke found his cheeks flushing with color, and he quickly glanced away.

"Morning." He grumbled, and Wes laughed quietly, reaching out to take hold of his bag before he began to walk, clearly expecting Luke to follow.

"We had better hurry up and get you some coffee before class, you little grump." Wes used his free hand to grasp Luke's hand as they made their way to the elevator. Luke let out a quiet sigh, and he leaned into his side as the doors closed and they were on their way down. He enjoyed the brief moment while he could before he withdrew, biting his lip. 

Just as he had done before the break, Luke now kept a distance between him and Wes as they walked. Luke found it more difficult now than it had been before. Perhaps that was because he knew just what he and Wes could have, what they already had done. He knew just how easily Wes could make his body hum with pleasure. Even a single look from him had him imagining things he should not have been.

"You are blushing." Wes whispered in his ear, and he startled away, clearing his throat.

"Stop that, Wes." He scolded him, ignoring the amused grin he held. Wes soon placed their usual order at the café, requesting it to go before they were on their way to the campus. Wes did a decent job at pretending they were simply discussing class, starting up a casual conversation.

"Is extra credit an option? For the extra, unneeded hours I have put in with Mr. Blackwell?" Wes questioned as he sipped his coffee. Luke did not miss how his nose wrinkled; he still was not accustomed to the taste of coffee, it seemed. He had to bite back a small grin of amusement, replacing it with a scowl.

"That is hardly a reason for extra credit, Mr. Parker. If anything, it is simply experience that will better benefit you in the future. I do not offer extra credit for my class." Luke sniffed as they walked, and he shot him a side eye. He especially could not offer any extra credit to Wes; it could be seen as favoritism if they were not careful.

"That is truly a shame." Wes snorted before he let out a quiet sigh.
"The final, your syllabus says it is a paper?"

"Yes. A ten page paper in which I expect to read about the experience you began with, gained, and left with. I want to hear about the pros and cons of your internship and what your plans are for your future." He explained to him, noting the look of pure irritation on Wes' face as they entered his classroom. Wes placed Luke's bag onto his chair before he moved to his usual seat, beginning to unpack all of the items he used to organize his notes. Luke simply watched him, leaning back against his desk with a hint of amusement on his face.

"What other assignments do you have for your final?" He questioned as he watched Wes, his arms crossed over his chest. Wes' eyes flickered up to study him, and Luke could practically feel the moment Wes became turned on by his stance. Wes' eyes darkened as he shamelessly admired Luke's body, his thoughts drifting to when he had been able to freely touch him and explore his body. Luke certainly looked attractive enough in his dress slacks with his olive green, long sleeved shirt. Wes' brows knitted as he now fully took in his outfit before he gave a wide smirk.

"Lu-Mr. Anderson, I really like your shirt today." At his words, Luke glanced down at his shirt, and he flushed slightly as he realized that it was one of Wes'. He had not thought about it when he put it on that morning. Rather, he had been enjoying the familiar cologne scent.

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