Chapter Six

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Wes did not enjoy seeing Luke sick in a hospital, he decided. Watching Luke as he slept had been painful, but he was relieved to know the male would be okay. Still, he needed to find a way to ensure Luke was properly taking care of himself. This, the entire situation, was unacceptable. He could hardly consider being a teacher a logical reasoning for putting his own life at risk.

"No more locking me out of your apartment. I want a key to it even. That way, if your ass does decide not to let me in, I can get in." Wes was muttering as he drove Luke in his car. Luke simply let out a quiet laugh and grasped his hand, pulling it onto his lap so he could toy with his fingers. The touch was surprising to Wes, but he allowed him to do it with no trouble, eyes flickering his way just briefly before returning to the road.

"I am sorry, Wes." Luke murmured quietly, though he seemed to be enjoying Wes' attention. He held a tiny smirk on his lips as he relaxed in the seat of the car. His words caused the younger male to sniff, shooting him a sideways glare.

"You are an idiot."

"Care to humiliate me some more?" The words were taunting and earned him a grumble.

"No. You would enjoy it." Wes muttered. He had learned that easily about Luke; the male had even admitted it himself. He enjoyed his partners embarrassing him. While Luke was not officially his, Wes was pleased to know how to excite him.

They pulled into the apartment, and he got out, studying Luke carefully when the male got out. He was clearly still a little weak on his feet, and it concerned Wes. Yet he said nothing as he simply guided him to the elevator and up to the apartment.

"We can still go on the trip." Luke said softly. His words were idiotic, he knew. However, he wanted to get away for the break. He desired to be with Wes where they did not need to hide or be afraid.

"No. I want you to rest. That trip is not my concern right now when your health is weak. Besides, your immune system isn't great right now. Being in a crowd is not what you need until your meds have built it up some." Wes spoke firmly as he unlocked Luke's door and guided the male inside. He guided him to his room, grunting when the male's puppy jumped on him.

"I need to feed him." Luke sighed, and Wes clicked his tongue.

"I will take him out to the bathroom. You get into that bed." He said firmly before grabbing the leash by the door. He could feel Luke's eyes on him as he took the dog out. He allowed the puppy plenty of time before he made his way back to the apartment. Luke had clearly spent money training the animal; it hardly even pulled the leash or barked.

When he entered the house, he let the dog loose before making his way to Luke's room. He was startled to find the male was passed out in his bed, though his eyes softened. Wes realized that Luke had to be exhausted, and he needed as much rest as possible. He made his way around the bed, sitting down before he gently began to remove Luke's shoes and socks. Luke let out a soft grumble, shifting before he settled once more.

"My little darlin." Wes murmured as he gently massaged his feet for a moment. Afterward, he took the time to remove Luke's shirt. He considered his pants before giving a quiet sigh, making his way to the dresser. He retrieved a pair of night pants, setting them to the side so he could carefully remove Luke's bottoms. He allowed himself a moment to simply admire the male as he was, though he knew he shouldn't.

Luke truly was beautiful, and he wished he could have the male as his already. But he knew patience was the key. With a quiet sigh, he began to carefully work the night pants onto him before he adjusted the covers over Luke. Once done, he made his way to where a container of dog food was, pouring some into the dog's bowl before he moved to the opposite side of the bed.
"I am so sorry."

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