Chapter Three

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(I am debating moving my date to Sunday for updates!)

That was how the next few weeks for Wes and Luke continued. They would walk for coffee together, sit and eat at the coffee shop, and then go to Luke's office where the door always remained open. Luke was aware it probably raised questions and that made him paranoid. Yet, he enjoyed the time he spent with Wes. It was an odd comfort that he had begun to miss over his time alone. It was nice to have someone to talk to and who to speak to about his stress.

"Luke?" He was surprised to hear a knock on his apartment door, his brows pinching together as he recognized Wes' voice. He stood, placing his laptop on the coffee table before approaching the door and opening it. He was even more surprised to find the male standing there with a large coffee in hand as well as two sandwiches; the same they always ordered when going out to eat. He blinked a few times, staring at the items in his hand before his eyes found his face where the male gave him a sheepish grin.

"You said you were not feeling well. I thought you might enjoy your coffee and breakfast." He explained. Luke blinked a few times before he stepped back, allowing the male into his apartment. It had been a while since anyone had been in and he did not miss how Wes' eyes scanned the room curiously before landing on him. He was sure he must have been a sight with his long hair left down to the middle of his back and his skin pale, more so from sickness. Worse than that, he was wearing a pair of night shorts and t-shirt that went to his knees. Certainly, more childish than he could have hoped for.

"It is kind of messy right now." He admitted as he shut the door behind him. Wes gave him an amused glance before rolling his eyes, shaking his head.

"I have seen far worse. You are sick, it is fine." He soothed, placing the coffee on the table where he was sitting. Luke said nothing more as he moved to sit on the couch, tugging his fluffy cover back around himself.
"Are you running a fever?" There was no denying the concern that laced his voice causing Luke to blink a few times before giving a small nod.

"Yeah, but it isn't bad. I just-" He cut himself off, his jaw tightening the slightest bit before he pinched the bridge of his nose. He had avoided telling any of his students of his weakened immune system and Wes should not be an exception. Yet there was clear concern within the male as he reached out to place a hand on his shoulder.


"Sorry. Sorry, I just. Ugh, I keep forgetting you are still my student. I can't be letting you into my home like this and just telling you so many things-"

"I am your student for a few months. However, I intend to remain your friend after that. So, tell me whatever it is you need to tell me. If me being in your home makes you uncomfortable, then I can leave. Just talk to me." The last thing Luke honestly wanted was for him to leave now that he was already inside.
"I am going to add your creamer and sugar." Wes added the last part quietly, reaching to pull the lid from his coffee. He added two creamers and four packets of Splenda just like Luke always did. It was not something he had explicitly told the male about, but he must have picked up on it from their frequent coffee adventures.

"Thank you." Luke's voice was soft as he pulled the cover tighter around himself, watching quietly as Wes put the creamer and sugar into his coffee before stirring it and placing it to his palms. He immediately brought it to his lips, thankful to find it was cooled from what he assumed was Wes' walk from the shop back to the apartments.

"Are you okay?" The words were spoken quietly, and he reached out to gently brush his hair from his face. Luke allowed him to, releasing a quiet sigh as he nodded.

"I have a weakened immune system. That is what the pills are for." He mumbled quietly as he pressed his lips to the cup. Wes blinked a few times before frowning, reaching out to press his palm against Luke's forehead.

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