He scoffed, shaking his head. “Seriously, D’Lo? Come on, we've gone too far to begin questioning our loyalty. Of course, I would never hurt you deliberately. I'm your friend and Beta.”

He was trying hard to maintain an innocent facade. “You hurt me, D'Angelo. I swear I'm not involved in anything evil. You know me better than that."

Nodding, I bit my lip to try to control my anger. "Alright, Leo,” I said and sat up. “I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But remember that I'm watching, and if I find out that you're lying to me, I won't hesitate to protect what's mine. I'm glad you know what I'm capable of doing.”

Leo continued to argue, reminding me that some people hate it when an alpha has a loyal supporter by his side. I remained silent, playing along as instructed and letting him ramble, but I was seething inside.

After Leo left, I knew that a war was brewing. He was full of deceit and manipulation. All of his words, smiles, and acts of kindness were carefully calculated to ruin me.

He was trying to get himself into a position where he could take me down while I was least expecting.

For the first time in my life, I hated someone and wanted to destroy him as soon as possible. It was a feeling that had become increasingly prevalent after I lost Grey.

My wolf growled deep within, sensing danger lurking around. I stood up from my chair and I paced the room. The walls seemed to close in on me, suffocating me. Without waiting, I stepped out of the house and headed to the military base, driving past the tall trees that surrounded the area.

The familiar smell of the wood and the scent of the wind filled my nose. I inhaled deeply to gather my thoughts and control myself. My hands trembled with rage and frustration, clenching the steering wheel tightly.

How dare he?

In the military base, Hugo, dressed in a crisp, ironed uniform, pulled his hat low over his forehead at the gate.

We arrived at the main building and I stepped inside, with my boots clicking on the polished floor. Hugo held the door open while I passed through and went straight to his office, he closed the door quietly behind us.

“What's the matter, alpha?” Hugo asked. “You look like someone pissed in your Wheaties.”

I shrugged my shoulders, looking out of the window, "It's done. I asked Leo and he denied it.”

Hugo's gaze turned stern and hardened, "I told you the asshole was going to deny it.”

“It's fine,” I said, trying to calm him down. “We need to make our move."

"I'm at your service, alpha," his deep voice boomed as he nodded respectfully toward me.

"There is only one thing I need right now," I said, turning to face him. He gave me a quizzical look, nodding his head for me to continue. “I need loyal warriors on my side. Gather your men at the hall. They must announce their allegiance to me, and those who won't support me can leave. And please, no punishment upon them. Everyone is free to make their choice."

Hugo disagreed vehemently. "They made a vow to be loyal to their alpha while in service. Why are you trying to give them a free pass to do evil?"

"Please just go," I said to him, "Spread the word and leave the rest to me."

Soon, the chatter of the warriors, the pack guards, and every military personnel filled the air. They took their places and gave their military salute, which I returned with a small nod.

They looked curious while I stood tall and resolute at the front. Hugo, stood by my side. His gaze swept over the assembled group, his eyes assessing, searching for any signs of hesitation or dissent.

I raised my hand in a commanding gesture, signaling for silence. Every gaze was fixed on me, waiting for my next words.

"Warriors, pack guards, and esteemed members of the military," my voice boomed, echoing off the walls of the hall, "I stand before you today not just as your Alpha, but as a leader. I don't want to bore you with details, but as you know, you must choose sides.”

They remained silent, unsure of what to make of my speech. My voice was calm, firm, authoritative yet not demanding. I could hear the sound of my blood pumping loudly in my ears as I spoke.

"We are facing a very dangerous threat, so I stand before you today to freely let you choose. Those who stand with me, and who believe in my cause, should move forward. And those who are against me can leave and never return."

The room fell silent, with the warriors looking at each other, acting like they didn't know what I was talking about.

Hugo was the first to step forward. "I stand with the alpha. Who's with me?"

Then slowly, one by one, they began to rise to their feet, their gaze fixed on me. And surprisingly, some of the men stood apart

The tension in the air was thick. The men's expressions were unreadable and a heavy silence hung in the room. I studied each of their faces, trying to discern the emotions that played across their features.

My heart sank in pain. How could they still turn their backs against me after everything I've done for them? After all the sacrifices I've made for them?

And then, as if a dam had burst, Hugo unsheathed his sword but I was fast enough to stop him.

"Leave them alone,” I chuckled nastily. “Let them go. I warned you earlier that no punishment will be given to them. They have made their choice and they don't owe me a damn thing. Just let them go.”

Hugo dropped his sword in disgust, as if saying “you're truly delusional,” he growled and turned on his heel before walking away.

The Alpha's Omega MistressWhere stories live. Discover now