My heart melted when D'Angelo took my hand and gently squeezed it before kissing it.

A smile curled my lips at the compliment, and I turned to give him a quick kiss on the lips. "it's always going to be you," he said softly. "Nobody else."

I broke into a relaxed smile as I looked down at the beautiful sunset and sparkling sea below. I wished life was always so peaceful, with no drama or tension.

"Why didn't you just tell me you were taking me to a couples' party?" I said, leaning toward him. "I begged you to tell me, but you refused."

"You wouldn't have agreed to come anyway," he smiled casually. When I looked up, I gasped as Alexis approached our table.

Holy shit!

She looked stunning, and her tiny baby bump was barely noticeable beneath her low-cut lace gown. This was going to be terrible because I hadn't set my gaze on her since the reveal. D'Angelo looked up, chuckling under his breath.

"Some drama, huh?" He murmured before sipping his wine. I stared at him, wondering why he wasn't freaking out.

"That's not funny. Did you ask her to come here?"

"Certainly not. An informant must have informed her," he stated, sounding overconfident. "Relax and let me handle it."

Alexis approached our table and stood in front of me. D' Angelo put his hand on my thigh, giving it a reassuring squeeze. I felt my throat tighten and clenched my fists, attempting to calm my raging terror.

"How nice of you, D'Angelo," she spat, giving him a small, tight smile while her glare at me was cold and held me in place.

"So you dumped me and chose this filthy Omega to humiliate me in public? Do you really believe you can dismiss me like that?”

When everyone fixed their gaze on us, my cheeks burned. I crumpled into my chair, trying not to hyperventilate.

"Have they sent you to cause a scene?" D’Angelo said. "Believe me, I'm immune to whatever plans you and your friends have. Return to them and tell them that trying to scream and gather public sympathy won't work on me.”

Despite the cool breeze, heat tingled on my face; the entire place was dead silent, and everyone was staring at us.

"Do you think I'm a puppet that can be controlled?" Alexis' voice sounded intimidating. She was infuriated. The way she clenched her jaw indicated how much she was struggling to control herself. "I won't let you get away with this unscathed, nor will I let you and your filthy scumbag ruin my reputation, D' Angelo. I'm carrying your child!"

D'Angelo rolled his eyes. "Will you please stop causing trouble? We are not in love, and I have never denied being responsible for our child."

Alexis whimpered as she trembled. I averted my gaze when her eyes welled up, not wanting to witness her tears.

"Why are you so mean to me? Can't you just respect the fact that I'm carrying your child? If you think humiliating me is going to work, think again. Look around and ask everyone here who they think is a better choice for Luna, and I'm confident that I'll win by a long shot."

Some of the women confidently agreed with her.

"Go on and keep nodding," D'Angelo told them, as they shrank away in fear. "I don't need anyone's approval or votes. Kira is my mate, and I brought her here to make it clear that nothing or no one will separate us. If you have an issue with that, suit yourselves."

"You're evil!" Alexis cried, gritting her teeth. "You can't do this to me. You can't leave me for her. I would never let that happen!"

She unexpectedly grabbed a bottle of water and tossed it in my face. My mind struggled to comprehend what had happened, and I rubbed my wet face. D'Angelo yanked her hand just as she was about to hit me.

"Enough with that," he snapped, pushing her arm away from me. "Stop being a jealous bitch and get your act together."

I was mortified, shook uncontrollably, and couldn't get enough oxygen. "D’Angelo, please, let's go," I stumbled over my words, feeling so lightheaded that I thought I was going to faint.

"Look at her," Alexis continued to shout. "What exactly does she know? There will be numerous criticisms and rejections from the pack. She's nothing more than an Omega and will never be able to advance beyond that level. you're bringing shame to the pack by fucking her!"

Following the chaos, D'Angelo led me to the car. He got into the driver's seat, and we returned to the cabin. I did not say anything because my inner voice kept berating me.

Alexis was spot on. I felt like an imposter who would never be liked. it's not that I craved praise, but I felt so unworthy. I adored D' Angelo, but being Luna was no easy task, and I wasn't looking forward to it at all.

The Alpha's Omega MistressWhere stories live. Discover now