Untitled Part 122

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As the rain ceased, a heavy mist settled over the landscape, casting a veil of gloom over the surroundings. The sky, still laden with dark clouds, obscured the fading light of the evening, creating an eerie atmosphere. Puddles of water reflected the dim light, giving the surroundings a surreal appearance.

The air was cool and damp, carrying the earthy scent of wet soil and vegetation. The trees, their leaves glistening with raindrops, stood silent and motionless, adding to the sense of quiet foreboding.

Despite the gloomy weather, the six pressed on, their footsteps muffled by the damp ground. The hut loomed ahead; its outline barely visible through the mist. As they drew closer, a sense of anticipation and apprehension hung in the air, mirroring the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

"Should we wait for the others to join?" quizzed Zarna.

"We need to get to the portal," said Daksh.

"Even if we do get there," said Ray. "How will it be of any use if Azazel doesn't fall in the trap?"

Rutuja halted abruptly, her senses on high alert. She closed her eyes, focusing intently as a familiar voice echoed in her mind.

"What happened? What did you see?" asked Maya.

"It was Rishi," she said. "He said they'll bring Azazel to the portal," she glanced at Daksh. "We must be ready."

"How?" quizzed Maya. 

"I don't know," said Rutuja. "But I'm sure he must have a plan."

"Is Advika with him?" asked Tej.

"He just said be there at the portal," responded Rutuja. "We must go to the portal. They will be there. Daksh, lead the way."

Daksh led the group away from the hut and into a narrow, winding lane. As they progressed, darkness seemed to deepen around them, the air turning colder with each passing second. Tall trees loomed overhead, their branches intertwining to block out the moonlight, rendering the surroundings pitch dark.

Tej, sensing the need for light, gathered some wood and kindled a fire. The flickering flames cast shadows, adding to the eerie atmosphere. He glanced at Ray, Maya, and Zarna, who slowed their pace to match his.

"How do we know he's not leading us somewhere else?" Tej whispered, his voice barely audible over the crackling of the fire. The group exchanged apprehensive glances but continued to follow Daksh into the unknown.

"We're strong enough to take him down if he does," whispered Maya and gave them a reassuring nod.

 Daksh halted abruptly; his eyes fixated on a modest cave entrance ahead. A soft, radiant glow emanated from within, casting a warm light onto the path before them.

"Is this it?" Rutuja inquired, stepping forward cautiously, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Daksh nodded slowly, his gaze never leaving the cave. The group approached the entrance, drawn by the mysterious light and the unknown secrets that lay beyond.

"Wait," said Zarna as she peeped inside. "The cave is filled with water."

"It's magical," said Daksh. "I could breathe inside. As you can see, I didn't die."

"I'll go first," said Rutuja. Daksh dived in after her. Keeping close.

As they swam deeper into the cave, they were greeted by a surreal sight—a submerged forest with maze-like structure, its trees swaying gently in the water, casting eerie shadows. Mirrors lined the walls, reflecting their movements and creating an illusion of infinite space.

"We can really breathe," Ray exclaimed, surprised by their ability to survive underwater.

"Think you can use the power of water if something goes wrong?" Tej whispered to Zarna, who nodded confidently.

"Don't worry. I've got this," she reassured him, her eyes focused ahead as they continued their journey through the mystical underwater forest.

"Oh and," said Daksh. The group swiveled to look at him. "I might have forgot to mention. That we cannot breathe in here forever. We are on the clock."

"Thanks for the heads up," Maya said, gesturing for the others to swim faster.

Daksh took the lead and swam towards a mirror, emitting faint golden like light.


Indra, Devansh, and Rishi's horses came to a halt outside a humble hut. The dark clouds overhead indicated it was past midnight, casting an ominous shadow over the scene. The air was ice cold, biting through their clothes and chilling them to the bone. Little sign of vegetation surrounded them, only barren ground and skeletal trees.

Indra dismounted first, his breath visible in the frigid air. He looked around, scanning the desolate surroundings. Devansh followed suit, landing softly on the frozen earth, while Rishi, still holding the reins tightly, glanced at the sky with concern. Advika held on to her breath, following his gaze. 

"Why do you think Azazel would be here?" quizzed Rishi.

"Sadly, his very home is where everything began," revealed Devansh. "He comes here, time and again, to feel the rage that he felt when his parents were murdered. This place reminds him of everything he's been through."

"Don't feel bad for him, Dev," said Rishi. 

Indra glanced at Rishi and then at Advika who was nearly shivering.

"We need to go back in time with him and stop him from replacing the mirror," said Indra.

"With him?" wondered Advika. "Why will he go back in time?"

"Azazel finds it amusing," Devansh turned to glance at Advika. "Playing with the rules of nature. Daksh has changed the mirror. He will attempt to go back and stop Daksh from replacing it."

"Why not just go now and replace the mirror again like he did years ago?" questioned Advika.

"As you know, we cut his sources of power, the young witch and sorcerer, magic blood, any source of it," began Devansh. "We have the black book, and not to mention Grantha. His powers at this moment are not at par."

"Yet we cannot fight him," commented Rishi.

"Dark magic is powerful," said Indra. "But can be won over by good."

"What exactly is the plan?" questioned Rishi as he dismounted from Rio and helped Advika get down onto the harsh ground.


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