"Hey, we've been looking for three weeks, we got bupkis."

Cataleya frowned. "Okay. But Dean...I mean, if we're gonna—ice the Devil—"

"This is what we're doing! Okay? End of discussion."

"Hey, no. Don't you dare "end of discussion" me."

"Leya, stop. Please."

"Dean Winchester, I swear to God..."

"Stop it. I mean it."

Sam looked away and sighed while Cataleya glared at the elder Winchester. There was another long pause.

Dean continued. "It's just that this is our first real case, back at it together. You know, I, I think we oughta ease into it, put the training wheels back on."

"So you think I need training wheels," Sam retorted.

"No, 'we'. 'We' need training wheels, you, Leya and me. As a team. Okay?"

Sam nodded. "Okay."

"Man, I really want this to be a fresh start, you know? For the three of us."

They looked at each other, then Sam nodded again and repeated, "Okay."


The Impala drove along.




Dean and Sam, wearing suits, and Cataleya wearing a blouse and slacks, showed their FBI badges to the sheriff.

"Agents Bonham, Page and Copeland," Dean said.

The sheriff shook their hands before saying, "Rick Carnegie. Good to know ya. So you're here on account of Cal Hawkins' death?"

"That's right," Sam and Cataleya replied.

"Well, 'fraid you came a long way for nothing. We already booked the guy that did it."

Sam, Cataleya and Dean frowned at each other.

"I'm sorry; who do you think did it?" Sam asked.


Sam, Dean, Cataleya and Carnegie were sitting at a table, watching the video that Jim recorded.

Jim, on the video, asked, "Cal? Is something wrong?"

The video showed Cal's head smashed into the windshield.

"Oh my God, Cal. Cal!"

The video cut to static and Carnegie shook his head, then switched off the TV. He dropped the remote on the table and turned to Dean, Cataleya and Sam.

"Sicko taped his own handiwork," Carnegie said.

Dean, Cataleya and Sam looked confused.

"I don't follow," Sam and Cataleya stated.

"It was Jim Grossman that killed Cal," Carnegie told them.

"Wait, what?" Dean questioned.

"Well, he was the only one on the scene for miles."

"They were best friends," Sam said.

"Most violent crimes are committed by someone close to the victim."

"And how exactly did Jim slam Cal into a windshield with all the force of an eighty-mile-per-hour crash?" Cataleya asked.

Carnegie blinked. "Drugs, maybe?"

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