Chapter 14

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Last night Adrian didn't come back and I slept alone. The next morning I heard the door open and he walked in, his face no longer red and irritated. "We're leaving."

Still being sleepy I glared at him from the couch. " I'm not going anywhere." I argued and turned my back on him. He pulled the blanket and I grabbed it pulling it back. "What the hell is wrong with you." I yelled.

"I'm telling you to get up." he demanded and released the blanket. "Meet me outside in an hour and If you don't get up I'll just have to throw you into the car myself." and then he left shutting the door behind him.

I groaned throwing the blanket on the floor but immediately regret it when the cold air hits me. He's seriously ordering me around again. I hate it. I hate him.

An hour later were in his car driving away from the mansion. I wrapped my arms around myself to make myself warmer. It was still snowing outside and it was extremely cold. Adrian glanced over to me and leaned forward, putting on the car heater. "Where are we going?" I asked him.

"Donovan Smiths house." He said, keeping his eyes on the road and I snapped my head towards him. "I didn't bring a gun with me."

"You didn't need to." he pulled out a gun from his boots and threw it onto my lap. I picked it up and checked the bullets. "How's your face." I managed to ask after a few minutes of silence.

"Its fine. As you can see Vanessa's ointment helped."

"You went to her?" I gave him a side eye. I wondered where he slept last night, his office maybe? Hopefully not with Vanessa.

"Why." he asked looking at me but I didn't answer him back. Instead I continue to ignore his question and stared out the window looking at the snow. He turned on the radio, the car was too quiet for the both of us. I laid back, pulling my legs on to the seat. I'm going to take a nap until we get there.

An hour later the car came to a stop and I opened my eyes, taking in our surroundings. There was a large house in front of us that I'm assuming belongs to Donovan. I didn't know where we were because were surrounded by trees and snow.

"You still haven't told me why we are here. "I turned towards Adrian, his hair was messy and laid in front of his face, he must've ran his fingers through his hair a few times.

"I want the missing footage and he's going to tell me what he did with it." he said and grabbed his own gun. I did the same and we both climbed out of the car and approached the house. There were no securities in sight which made it easy for us to get in to the yard and to the front door.

Adrian pulled out a paper clip from his pocket and start lock picking the door. A minute later the door opened and we entered quietly, watching out steps. A tv was playing in the background and sounds of movements were coming from a room. A man walked out of the room appearing in front of us but he didn't seem to notice us.

He took another step forward when something accidentally fell out of his hand and he bent down to pick it up. Adrian walked forward and lifted his gun, pointing it at the back of the man's head. "Don't move or I'll kill you." the man froze, lifting his hands up in submission. "Who are you?" his voice quivered.

I turned around scanning the house for other people that could also be inside. Adrian slammed and pushed the guy against the wall. "I'm the one asking questions here." He snapped.

"Sixteen years ago. A woman was shot and stabbed to death. You were on duty that day and was ordered to get rid of the evidence."

"Man please that was ye..."

Adrian smashed his head into the wall. "The camera footage. What did you do with them?"

"I deleted it." The man yelled. Adrian turned him around, kicked him in the stomach and grabbed his hair. "WHERE IS THE FUCKING FOOTAGE DONOVANN!" Adrian yelled. The man was now choking and coughed up blood as tears streamed down his face, mixing with the blood. "I don't have it. He told me to transfer it to a usb and that's what I did. Then he took it."

"Who's he?"

"Richard Russo." he coughed out. My hand tightened around the gun and I blinked a few times. Richard. I haven't heard people call him that in years. No one did, not me, not my mother and not Maddison's mother.

Adrian punched him in the face repeatedly, I looked away because I wasn't used to him being so aggressive or maybe I've just gotten too soft the last few days. When Donovan was finally unconscious Adrian stood up from the floor and walked to the kitchen and opened the gas from the stove. He quickly moved towards the fireplace and light it on fire.

"Were leaving." he said, breathing heavily and nodded to the front door. I followed him back to the car and we quickly climbed into our seats. He started the engine and we sped away before we can get caught in the explosion. I looked back through the front mirror and within a few seconds the house exploded in the distance.

We didn't talk to each other for the rest of the drive and when Adrian finally seemed to calm down, the car stopped on its own and made weird sounds. "No. Please don't tell me we are stuck in the middle of nowhere." I said in disbelief and started to panic. Adrian climbed out and went to check on the car. He came back looking even more worried than before. His clothes and hair covered in snow. "The fuel line is frozen. We can't drive." he pulled out his phone and his eyes widened "What?" I asked leaning towards him. "I don't have any signal."

I grabbed his phone lifting it up in the air. It kept showing No signal. "NO." I covered my face with my hands and closed my eyes.

A few minutes have already past and the car was now extremely cold, our breaths covered the windows. My body was cramping from the way I was sitting to create heat for myself. I heard a shuffle next to me and Adrian threw his large coat over me.

I looked at him shocked, confused to why he was suddenly caring. "I don't want your coat." I throw it back to him.

"You don't, but your body does." I rolled my eyes, as if he could ever know what my body wants. "I'm going to freeze to death and this is all your fault. Why couldn't you just leave me at the mansion under all the blankets?"

"If I had left you back at the mansion. I would've died here alone." I scoffed at his words. That's exactly my point.

"That wouldn't have been a bad thing." I smiled thinking at the thought and he let out a rough chuckle, apparently finding something about my words amusing.

I looked back at Adrian and pulled his coat towards me, but as I do so I feel the heat of his skin radiating from underneath his clothes. He was surprisingly warmer than I was. "What? I changed my mind." I told him when he gave me an odd look for taking his coat.

Another few minutes has past and it's almost been an hour since the car stopped. Adrian was in and out in the snow looking for signal. "I sent a message to Louis. It will go through eventually."

My body was shaking, my teeth were clattering and I couldn't feel my limbs anymore. By now it was almost painful to move, so I gave in. I shifted over to Adrian's seat, getting onto his lap. He was startled by my action. "Body heat. I'm not dying here." I tell him and pushed my body closer so that every inch of me was pressing against his. He inhaled sharply but then wrapped his arms around me. "Me neither."

Unexpectedly he removed his hands from my body making me glare at him. "Calm down I'm just removing these." He pulled off his gloves and handed it to me to put them on. I slipped my fingers through them. They were warm. His hands slipped underneath my shirt, but I couldn't care less and ignored it.

"The woman. She was your mother right?" I asked, my voice soft. His heartbeat quickened and I could feel it pumping against his chest. He was quiet, mostly likely because he didn't want to tell me about it. I decide to let it go and focused on getting warmer.

"Yes." He finally answers.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. I don't know how it feels to lose a parent. But I can only imagine how awful and devastated it must've been. But perhaps I will know soon. His head rested in the crook of my neck and he breathed into it and it made my heartbeat increase.

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