Chapter 1

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"It's not here, so where is it?" I demanded twisting and breaking the man's arm from behind his back. He lets out a painful scream, squirming underneath me, yet refusing to answer. He was on his stomach lying on the ground with me on top of him as I pin him down with my knee and body weight.

I reached and grabbed my gun from the floor that slipped out of my pocket when he pushed me and pointed it to the back of his head. "I'm only going to ask once." I warned and moved the metal down and against his leg before shooting him in the thigh. The gunshot was loud, the walls echoing it back towards us.

He was underestimating me because I was a woman. Little did he know, I was still going easy on him. But now I'm no longer holding back.

He groaned, breathing heavily. "It's at the bar in Mockment street. The boss guy has the diamond ring. Please just let me go." he begged, moving his body trying get out of my hold.

I flipped him on his back and stared him dead in the eyes, looking for any sign that could show he was lying. Relieved flooded through me when I found none.

Now facing me his eyes moved down to my neck, his eyes widening showing true fear as if he just realised what danger he was in. He must've seen the Russo family tattoo on my neck.

The sooner I can get this over with, the better.

"I told you where it is, so please let me go. I didn't have anything to do with it." he continued begging, not knowing it wouldn't help him. I was raised to kill my enemies, something that was quite normal in the mafia.

I knew he had part in the stealing, I saw the photos that were sent to me. Unfortunately he should've thought about the consequences of stealing from the Russo Family. Because now he will pay for it with his dear life.

Not like he had much of a life left, he was old most likely in his late fifties.

The gun touched his forehead and I pulled the trigger. The gunshot went off with a loud bang and I heard the sound of his brain splashing against the walls. I felt the warmth of his blood as it splashed directly onto my face and inhaled the familiar smell. Disgusted, I wiped it off with my jacket and scrunched my nose.

I stood up, reaching for my phone in my back pocket and dialled Jason's number. It didn't take long for him to pick up. "I need you to come clean up this mess."

I quickly ended the call and sent him the address before slipping my phone back into my pocket. I walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind me like I didn't just murder a man. I'm sure whoever walks into this building wouldn't want to see some dead man's brain scattered on their walls.

I exited the building and walked towards my car. Quickly grabbing the pack of wet wipes from the front seat and rubbing off all the blood that was still visible. Luckily the jeans I was wearing were black, so the blood wouldn't be as noticeable. I inserted my car keys and started the engine driving back to the mansion.

A few minutes later I arrived at the Russo mansion, the guards at the gate nodded in respect and opened the gates so I could enter. I parked my car in front of the door and switched off the engine.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket seeing Jason's name at the top of the notification list. "It's done," the message said.

I looked towards the mansion seeing Madison's mom sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette. I climbed out of the car and walked towards her. "Is my father here?"

She turned away from me, not even bothering to make eye contact. "He's in his office." she replied coldly.

I walked past her towards the front door when she decided to open her mouth again. "Madison is spending some time with her father, don't barge in and ruin it."

I halted my steps, my back still turned to her I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "This can't wait." I said and stormed in without waiting for her to reply. I was welcomed by a butler standing at the door and I gave him a respectful nod.

I walked up the stairs, stopping in front of my father's office door. Two men, covered in tattoos and bulky muscles were standing outside and guarding the room. I folded my arms and raised my eyebrows at them. They moved out of the way, opening the door.

Madison was sitting on my father's desk, giggling and kicking her feet like a 10 year old. He was smiling at her, a sight I'll never get used to. You could clearly see she was the favourite child.

Maddison was 5 years younger than me. We have different mothers but share the same father. That's because my father has two wives, one he married when he was in love and one he married for business.

She's so spoiled and gets anything she wants. Worse, she can't even hold a gun or defend herself.

My father noticed my presence and his smile faded away. He pointed at the seat in front of him, showing me to sit down. I kept standing and stared at the both of them, letting out a loud sigh. "I found the location of the diamond ring."

Maddison gasped and turned to look at me, only now realising I was here. Her ginger hair was neatly tied up and she had makeup on. She looked pretty in comparison to me, who looked like a mess and had barely any makeup on. Half of it had been wiped off by the wipe I had used.

"You did?" She looked back at father excitedly. "Dad, she really found my diamond ring!" she clapped her hands.

She jumped off the desk and moved towards me, opening her arms, wanting to hug me. I frowned, stopping her with my hand. She pouted, folding her arms over her chest before looking back at our father.

My father smiled at her and his eyes darkened when he met my gaze again. "Why did you come here to tell us instead of bringing it back yourself? Maddison could have already had her diamond ring by now." he said coldly his voice reflecting anger and disappointment.

Because that's what I was to him. A disappointment, a child from a woman he never loved and a child he regrets bringing to life.

"Maddison told me to come tell you when I knew where it was." I replied, clenching my fists behind my back.

"She did?" he asked and Maddison nodded at him. "Then that's fine."

"I'll be on my way now." I turned to leave, grabbing the doorknob but Maddison stopped me. "Wait. Can I come with you?" she asked, touching my arm. I blinked a few times, not processing what I just heard.

"You're not going anywhere!" my father said in anger, slamming his hand on the desk.

By his facial expressions he probably wondered why she wanted to go with me. Not that I blame him, she's always been the princess of the family. Getting everything she wants and wasn't even forced to take part in the mafia business like I was.

So why does she want to be a part of it now?

"I want to get the ring myself. It's my fault for losing it." she whined. I looked at my father already knowing he would say no.

She walked over to him, taking his hands in hers while slightly bending down.

"Maxine will protect me. She's strong and skilled, you've trained her. Right Maxine?" she asked, looking at me with a smile.

I ignored her and stared at my father waiting for him to say no. I just wanted to finish this mission and go back to bed.

He sighed, staring at the wall and tapped his fingers aggressively onto his desk. "Please." she begged.

"Fine, but I want to talk with Maxine first." he said, glancing towards me. My eyes widened not thinking he would've said yes.

"Thank you." she squealed, kissing his cheek and sprinting out of the room.

Here it comes

He turned to face me and closed his eyes. "If anything happens to her." he warned

"I'll kill you myself." he said without blinking. I swallowed heavily, my heart pierced with his words. I knew he wasn't joking by the sound of his tone.

This is why I hated him.

"Do you understand?" he asked, demanding a straight answer.

"Yes." I replied.

"Good. I'll send one of the guards with you. He sits back on his chair. "I don't trust her to go alone with you."

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