Chapter 3

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When I was finally far away, I stopped the car, parking in front of a small cafe. The window of my car was still broken, the glass pieces laying everywhere, some scattered on the clothes I was wearing. There were people staring at me with wide eyes, looking like they wanted to ask me if I'm okay. Or either wondering if they needed to call the police.

The consequences of my actions soon hit me and I dialed my mother's phone number. It rang a few times before she answered the call. “Max? ” I heard a voice through the speaker.

“I… left Maddison behind.” I admitted.

I heard her gasp and the sound of a door closing. “W.. What?” she whispered in shock, her voice quivering.

“I had to leave her. The Nights son was there. He would've captured me too.”

“Oh god.” she breathed out. “You need to go back and get her”

“I can't.” I sighed laying my head back in the seat. “He has backup and killed the guard that was supposed to look after Maddison. Our only option was to escape.”

“You can't come home. He'll kill you.”

It may have been selfish of me to leave Maddison. Who knows what he'll do to her. But that was her own damn fault, no one forced her to come and why did she decide to wear heels in the first place.

I groaned, resting my head on the steering wheel. “I have to come home. What if he hurts you because of me?” I whispered.

“Max, listen to me. Whatever you do, don't come home. I can handle him okay? He won't hurt me.”

That's a lie. She can't handle his temper, she never could, especially when his anger gets out of control. I remember all the times he pushed her, giving her injuries.

“I'll send someone to bring you money and stuff. Just don't come.” she pleaded.

“Okay.” I tell her, agreeing to stay away.


An hour later someone arrived with my bag. The man gave it to me and quickly drove away afterwards.

I carried the bag and the money she gave me that was in a small plastic bag. I looked back at my car, knowing I can't take it with me. My father would find someone to track it down. Which means my only option now was to take an uber.

I walked for a bit, standing on the sidewalk of an office building, catching the sight of an uber down the street. I lifted my hand up for a ride. The car came to a stop and I opened the door, climbing in.

The driver turned his head to look at me, his elbow resting on the seat. It was a man much older than me. He glanced me up and down before asking “Where to?”

“It doesn't really matter. I just need you to keep driving.” I reply putting my bag next to me on the seat.

He nodded and I didn't miss the slight frown on his lips before we drove off. I leaned back, resting my hands on my thighs, worried for my mother’s safety.

My father could use her to get me. Maybe he was right, maybe I'm wasn't worthy of being called someone's daughter.


It was now dark and I've been in the uber for a few hours. I haven't checked my phone since this afternoon, knowing my father would be calling me. The driver didn't talk a lot, the only time he would open his mouth was when he randomly started asking a bunch of questions that I ignored to the best of my ability.

A few of the questions being. How old are you? Are you running away from home? Do you need a place to stay?

I laid back in the seat with my eyes closed, being exhausted for not having eaten the whole day. What's worse, I barely got any sleep the night before. The radio was on, soft music playing in the background.

Suddenly the car stopped, my eyes shot up and I looked around confused to why he would stop now. The driver opened his door, climbed out before looking at me. “I need to pee real quick.” he said, walking behind a tree. It was dark, I couldn't see much but I still turned away not wanting to see something accidentally.

I waited and a few minutes later he walked out from behind the tree. My eyebrows furrowed as he walked to my side of the car instead of going back to the front seat.

The moment he opened my door, my eyes widened, realizing what he really went doing behind the tree. I glanced down at his unzipped pants, his hands being wrapped around his hard length as he stroked it up and down.

“I've been driving you for hours. This is how you can repay me.” his voice was shaking and his body had a physical reaction of excitement as he swept his tongue over his lips.

“Go fuck yourself.” I cursed. “The only thing I'm going to repay your with is money.” I say coldly.

This old hag really thought of me as some toy to relief his urges. His skin was wriggled from old age and he was hairy. Making me want to gag in digust.

I moved over to the other side of the seat to grab my gun. His hands wrapped around my ankles and he pulled me towards him. “Don't fucking touch me!” I yelled, losing grip on the gun as it slid underneath the seat and out of my reach.

I turned myself around, kicking away from me that makes him fall to the ground. “Please, just one time.” he begged, trying to get up from the ground. I twisted my mouth in disgust as he started stroking his man part faster.

I leaned over to the other side, grabbing my bag from the seat and slammed the car door shut. Leaving him there as I stormed away in anger. “Where are you going? Come back here!” he yelled in an even angrier tone while his footsteps followed me.

Suddenly I'm blinded by flashing car lights. I covered my eyes with my arms, hearing the sound of a car door opening. A gunshot went off and for a split second I thought I was the one being shoot at. That was until I heard a gurgling sound and someone's body fall down on the ground behind me.

Slowly I turned around, seeing the driver's body. Someone just shot the driver. Some sort of relief floods over me knowing he could've done something way worse to other girls who would've got in his uber.

I snapped my head forward hearing the sound of heavy footsteps. “There you are. I've been looking for you all day.” a familiar deep voice said.

I gasped, taking a massive step back. In Front of me was Adrian. How did he find me? Was he following me all this time?

“You don't want to do that.” he declared walking towards me. I kept eye contact with him, while continuing walking backwards. I didn't have anything to protect me with since I left my gun under the driver's seat.

My body collided with the back Uber car and when I looked up he stood before me.

He trapped me, placing both of his gloved hands next to my hips and on to the car boot. I dropped my bag on the floor, he was so close that I could feel the warmth of his breath on my forehead.

He looked down, smirking at me. “I'll give you a chance to run.” he whispered. “If you fail to get away within 5 seconds. I'm taking you with me but… if you succeed, I'll leave.”

“How dare you threaten me?” I glared. His eyes moved down to my lips. “One…” he breathed out.

I put my hands on his chest, feeling his muscles twitch and pushed him back forcefully. “Two” he continued counting. I gasped, pushing him even harder that made him stumble back slightly. “Three.”, “Four” he immediately sped up.

I lifted my leg reading to push him away with all I got but he grabbed me and blocked my attack. “Five” he quickly said, grabbing me by the waist and turning me around so that I was now facing the uber.

I gasped as he bent me over and secured my arms behind my back. I looked back and saw he was loosening his tie. “What the fuck are you doing!” I yelled moving around to get away from him.

“I'm just tying you up.” he chuckled and wrapped his tie around my wrists. I continued pushing until the lower part of his body pressed against my back. Forcing me to keep still.

“I'm not coming with you.” I hissed, looking back at him with anger.

He leaned over to my ear. “Right now you don't have a choice, Miss Russo.”

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