Chapter 2

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Leaving my father's office I walked back to my car, climbed into the front seat and locked the door with a click. I rested my shaky hands on the steering wheel, I was so angry. I let out a scream of frustration, taking a deep breath afterwards to calm myself. 

I needed to release this anger inside of me. I've done everything to get his approval yet he doesn't see me. I may have his blood running through my veins but I will never be his daughter. And it's about time I accept it. 

Who knows maybe I'll be able to let my anger out and the boss man who stole Maddison’s diamond ring. 

I unlocked the doors and made my way to the back of my car. I opened the boot, unzipping my bag. Grabbed extra bullets, pulling out another gun with two knives, hiding them inside of my boots. Closing the boot I quickly tied my hair into a neat ponytail using my fingers to comb it.

A few minutes later Maddison walked out of the mansion, one of the men that was guarding my father's door following behind her. 

She was now changed into a more slutier dress and had a pair of red heels on. What the hell...Does she think we're going to a party?

“What are you wearing?” I asked giving her the ‘What the fuck’ look. 

“What” she shrugged. “I need to look sexy. What if I meet my future husband?” she said twirling her hair with her fingers.

“Maddison. We're going to take back that diamond ring of yours. And I'm going to kill the people who stole it. Not to fall in love and get married” I tell her, annoyed. 

“Ugh. I know. Can we go already?” she asked and walked over to the other side of my car. 

I stopped and glared at her. “You're not riding with me.” I tell her and get into my car, Maddison joins, taking the front seat next to me. “I need to be close to you, so you can protect me.” she said innocently and I bit back my next words. 

I looked into the mirror watching the guard that was coming with us. When I finaly saw him enter his car , I started the engine and drove off. 

Maddison couldn't stop talking the entire ride. At some point I turned on the radio just so that she could shut up. I was already angry and even more annoyed then I already were. I'm so close to killing someone. 

We entered Mockment street and the bar finally came into view. There were several cars parked at the front. I slowed down and drove us to the back of the bar.

It'll be much easier to enter from the back. That way, we won't be attracting any unnecessary problems. 

The guard got out of his car and opened the door for Maddison. I rolled my eyes, muttering something under my breath before grabbing one of my guns and keeping the other one in the back of my jeans, underneath my shirt.

“You'll stay in the middle. No wondering off. If you decide to do something stupid I'm leaving you here. ” I added seriously. 

She nodded and gave me a thumbs up. “Got it.”

“I'll go in first then you'll follow behind me.” I commanded the guard and headed for the back door. 

Standing behind the door, I pressed my ears against it, listening for sounds coming from the inside. I twisted the door knob and peeked inside. There was no one at the back. Once we were inside I held my gun in front of me, ready to shoot at any moment. As we walked I looked behind me, making sure Maddison wasn't doing something stupid. 

There was a hallway with two closed doors. One probably leading to the bar and the other one most likely the boss man's office. 

Taking a wild guess I chose the one on the right. My hand reaches to open the door, but it swings open before I could touch it. I’m met with a tall , slender man with a luxurious suit. He doesn't look like some ordinary thief and the suit he was wearing only proved it. 

My eyes instinctively go down, seeing a gun in his hand. His eyes widened and he lifted the gun towards me, I was faster than he was and in a quick motion shot him in the chest. He stumbled backwards, clenching his chest and fell down onto the floor. 

I heard Maddison squeal from behind me. “Why did you shoot him?” she yelled. Just as I was about to reply I heard the sound of footsteps behind us. 

“He belonged to me.” a deep male voice said. I turned around pointing the gun towards whoever it was. Only to find him already pointing the gun back at me. 

Taking a quick glance at him I noticed he was tall, muscular and lean at the same time. He was wearing a long black coat and a pair of boots. His presence was intimidating as he kept glaring at me. 

Noticing he wasn't really planning on shooting me, I aimed and pulled the trigger, he dodged, quickly moving out of the way, by tilting his head in the opposite direction making the bullet go through the window.

“You missed.” he smirked. 

“Maxine what's happening!” Maddison pulled on me, hiding behind my back. 

Behind him stood a few men, they all had guns. They were standing as if they were waiting for an order. 

I turned my head towards the guard, wondering why he hasn't taken any action yet. He was watching the man in front of us with a look of both fear and familiarity. Immediately letting me know that he knew this man. In that split of a second of me staring at him, a bullet went through his head killing him instantly. 

His lifeless body fell to the ground and blood spilled out of his mouth. Maddison let out a terrifying scream as someone grabbed and pulled her towards the guy who still had the gun pointed at me. 


“You two…will be coming with me.” he said and took multiple steps towards me. 

“No chance in hell.” I snapped, still pointing the gun back at him, but this time keeping my finger on the trigger. 

Now that he was much closer I spotted the tattoo on his neck. My breath hitched for a moment as I recognized the familiar family tattoo. 

It couldn't be. 

That's the tattoo of the Night mafia family. Judging by his looks he looked young, maybe in his mid twenties. Which tells me this was Adrian, the youngest between two the brothers of the Night family.

I didn't knew much about him but now realising the danger I was in. Maybe I should've. I needed to get out of here as soon as possible. I didn't have any backup plan because I never thought I'd see the “Night's” in this side of the city and in some low class bar. Everything has changed now that I'm dealing with someone from another mafia. 

I slipped my second gun out of my jeans and pointed both guns at his men shooting them one by one. Surprising him I took my chance and ran past him but was grabbed and pushed against the wall. “Russo.” he growled my last name with a fire of hatred.

“Night “ I snarled back, trying to push him off me, as the front of his body pushed up against my back. Surely he wouldn't try to kill me. That would only worsen the problems between our two families. 

I smacked my elbow against his jaw hearing him groan and slipped out of his hold, lifting my gun back to shoot. He smacked it out of my hands forcefully. I lifted my leg and kicked him away from me, grabbing Maddison’s hand. I dragged her out of the door towards my car, but she tripped from her heels. 

“Remove your fucking heals Maddison.” I yelled tugging on her. 

“I can't . Don't you know how expensive they are! ”

Adrian came up from behind Maddison. I pulled her towards me, wanting to get her away from him and towards safety. I should've known she'd do something because this bitch pulled away causing her to bump into Adrian's solid chest and he wrapped his arms around her keeping her trapped.

I looked around seeing more of his men running from the corners and knew what I needed to do. 

I released Maddison’s hand and sprinted back to my car. “Maxine! “ she yelled. “What are you doing. You can't leave me! she continued yelling at me. I inserted the keys and struggled to start the engine. I looked back at Maddison and saw Adrian pointing his gun towards me and a bullet went through the window. Laying back into the seat I pressed on the gas and sped away. 


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