Chapter 9

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I lifted myself up towards the window, quickly sliding my body through. By the time the woman's bathroom door opened I was already hanging down from the outside, my fingers burning from holding my own weight. A man with a buzz cut haircut walked in and I recognize him as one of my father's most trusted. His eyes jumped to mine and he aimed the gun towards me.

“Your father sent me. He urgently wants to talk to you.” he said, taking a step forward. No, my father doesn't want to just talk to me. He wants me DEAD. I let go, jumping down as my heels make a… sound when they hit the ground.

“Shit.” I heard him groan and I looked around me. There were small bushes and cars parked around me, which tells me that was the front of the building. I sprinted towards the corner of the building, hiding from the man's sight. My hand reached to grab the gun that was still hidden underneath my dress. It would be a bad idea to use the gun. There were too many people around and in the building. So I took a deep breath releasing the grip on the gun.

There was a loud thud from the man climbing out of the window. I looked down at the ground, spotting a brick hiding underneath one of the bushes. I quietly slipped out of the heels I was wearing and reached for the brick. I Held it next to my body and waited.

The man's face appeared from around the corner and I lifted the brick smashing it full force against his face. He let out a painful groan while blood spilled out of his nose and dripped down his forehead. I grabbed his gun, throwing it into the bush.

He was taller than me, so I had to jump on to his back and wrap my arms around his throat, choking him. He stumbled backwards, slamming my back against the solid wall. I hissed as my skin rubbed against the wall and felt my dress tear. I tightened my grip on his throat using all of my strength to block his airway.

After a while he finally stopped fighting back and his body went limp. I removed my arms and let his body fall onto the concrete.

I was now breathing heavily and was sweating. I took a deep breath, lifting my hand to my forehead. He was strong. It would've been much easier if I shot him. My eyes darted around me, some could walk into this direction at any moment now.

I looked up to the window, hearing the bathroom door open. I ducked down, pulling up my sleeves and tucked my arms underneath the man's arms. I quietly pulled him farther around the corner before sitting down on the ground next to him. His face looked awful…and very much broken. He was still out cold but unfortunately he started breathing again.

My eyes widened and I stood up hearing footsteps, the footsteps stopped for a few seconds before continuing my way. My hand was on the gun I hid under my dress ready to attack another one of my father's men.

Adrian came around the corner, looking at me in a concerning manner before looking down at the man behind me. Louis joined us standing behind Adrian and his eyes widening at the scene, a smile forming on his lips.

“It seems she can protect herself after all.” Louis said, making Adrian glare at him.

“I can protect myself just fine.” I said loudly, folding my arms.

Adrian sighed. “Did you kill him?”

“No. I should've.” I looked back at the man. “He was one of my father's men.”

Suddenly we heard the sound of voices that followed with footsteps leaving the building. Any minute now someone would walk past us.

“We should leave.” Adrian frowned and turned towards Louis. “Load him in your trunk.” he ordered, glancing at the man on the floor.

Louis nodded. “As you wish.” I followed Adrian back to the car in silence. When I sat down, I winced as my sore back rubbed against the seat. I looked through the window and saw Adrian's brother staring at the car, he looked angry. Damon gave us one last glance before climbing into his own car and drove off.

My bare feet rested on the soft mat, I didn't even bother to bring the heels with me. They were shitty anyways. Adrian gave me an odd look and inserted his car keys, starting the engine.

“You shouldn't have walked off. Your father could've gotten a hold on you and then I couldn't protect you.” he said.

“Maybe you should rephrase that sentence. It almost sounds like you care about my safety.” I rolled my eyes.

“I do care. I need YOU, so that I can get revenge on your father and you being dead would ruin all of my plans.”

We didn't talk again and I glanced over to the steering wheel. Watching the slow yet mesmerising movements of his hands, the rings on his fingers sparkled every time we drove past a street light.

I frowned when a sudden craving hit me out of nowhere. I was confused as to why I suddenly wanted to eat ice cream. It could be my hormones. Maybe I'm going to start my period soon. Ugh I can't even remember the last time I bled. This is such bad timing. Or maybe it's most likely just from the champagne I drank tonight.

I tapped my fingers on the arm rest and sighed. “I want ice cream.” I mumbled.

Adrian's brows furrowed and he looked like he wasn't sure if he thought he heard me correctly.

“What.” he replied neutral and I rubbed my hand over my face only now noticing the blood on the top of my fingers. “I WANT ice cream.” I repeated.

“And?” he said harshly looking at the road. I reached for the gun under my dress and pulled it out aiming it at his head. “I could just kill you. Right here, right now.”

He gave me a side eye before pulling the car over. “Is that so.” he smiled half heartedly.

“Do it then. Shoot me. What's stopping you from pulling the trigger?” he said the words in a calm voice. He's right, why haven't I pulled the trigger? I don't know…

“A smile formed on my lips. “A fucking ice cream Adrian.” I replied with a straight face. Adrian's smile disappeared and his eyes widened slightly before his expression turned serious.

He grabbed my wrist, shoving it away from him. I gasped when he used his other hand to grab me by the back of my neck and pulled my face closer to his. “I'm not in a good mood. Don't push your luck.” he said, his eyes glancing over my face.

“Well I'm not either. If you don't get me an ice cream.” I go quiet. “While you're asleep tonight I'll light your mansion on fire.” I glared at him.

He clenched his jaw, his eyes darkening. “We barely know each other. Yet you're already ordering me around.” he released me.

“God I hate you Russo’s” he replied, starting the car.

“I hate you too.” I said laying back into the seat and putting the gun down in my lap. A few minutes later, we stopped in front of an ice cream shop and I hid my smile by looking out of the window.

“What flavour?”

“Chocolate,” I said without looking at him. He climbed out of the car and I grabbed a few wet wipes I found and rubbed off the blood from my fingers. Adrian came back, a single chocolate cone in his hand. He looked pissed as he handed it to me.

Minutes later, we stopped back at the mansion, I climbed out leaving Adrian and walked up to my room. As I opened the door midway, heavy footsteps came up the stairs and Adrian came up.

“Do you want something?”

He walked past me and towards the door that was locked this morning. “Oh. Didn't Hanna tell you?” he tilted his head and unlocked the door.

“This is my floor.” he smiled and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Leaving me standing in the hallway with an open mouth.

Forever Enemiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن