Chapter 13

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I closed the door behind me with a click and left the two of them alone inside. But instead of walking away like a normal person would. I stayed in the hallway, listening in to their conversation as I leaned my ear closer to the door.

"Why did you marry her?" I heard Vanessa say.

"Why. Because you care?" Adrian chuckled sarcastically.

"I've always cared about you." she whispered.

"Like you cared when you decided to marry my brother the moment I rejected you as a partner?" his voice harsh and loud.

"I'm sorry okay. I was mad at you and I wasn't thinking straight." she protested her footsteps moving closer to Adrian.

"Vanessa leave. Before I change my mind and tell Damon. And I can guarantee you he won't be marrying you when he finds out you only married him to make me jealous."

"I don't care. I want to marry you." Her voice went higher.

I knew there was something going on between them. The floor creaked beneath my foot as I turned to leave. A quiet gasp escaped from my lips and I hurried away and took the stairs. At least now I know something about Adrian and heard with my own two ears.

When I came down, Damon leaned against a wall and his sharp blue eyes met mine. "Maxine Russo right?" he said in a low voice and walked towards me. "How did you know?" I asked, my body tensed up and for a moment I thought he knew who I was from the beginning. "He had to tell me eventually." He slid his hands into his pockets. I sighed, my mouth turning to frown as I stared at him. "He would never marry someone from the Russo family which already tells me that this marriage is fake." He said it slow and watched me like I was one of his preys.

"Is it really so hard to believe that two people fell in love and got married." I internally cringed at my own words. He scoffed and stared at the wall behind me before looking down at me, his face hardening. "Yes. Because I know why he really married you." He moved closer.

"Enjoy the rest of your day Maxine Russo." He whispered and moved past me in a swift motion.

"If you're looking for Vanessa she's upstairs. I'd keep a good eye on her if I were you, if you don't want to end up with a broken heart that is." I smirked, glancing over my shoulder and made my way back to the top floor.

I stand in the middle of the hallway glaring at Adrian's room and looking back at mine. I didn't feel like going back in there, but I don't have a choice, besides Silver was still in there. I opened the door, grabbed the blanket from the sofa and sat down on the bed next to Silver. Adrian still hasn't decided what he was going to do with her. I fell backwards, my back hitting the soft matrass and pulled out my phone from my back pocket.

I still haven't checked any of messages or missed calls, so that's exactly what I do now. I scrolled all the way down, five missed calls from my mother and the rest were all from my father. Cindy's name popped up on my nofications and I go through my messages. I soft smiled formed on my lips, she finally got engaged to her boyfriend.

She has been an old friend of mine for almost 7 years now and we met at bar one night when I was doing a mission for my father. I'm happy for her and yet I can't help but I wonder what she would say if I told her I was now married and running from my father, who wants me dead.

Locking my phone screen, I put it down on my chest and stared at the ceiling with a blank expression. Will I have to run away from him forever? I hope not. I miss home. I miss my old life even if I shouldn't. Back at my father's mansion I was surrounded by family and had someone I could trust. Here I'm alone, sharing a room with someone I could call my enemy.

I pulled myself up from the bed and walked in to Adrian's bathroom, doing my business. I flushed the toilet and quickly washed my hands when my eyes landed on something on the counter. I picked it up reading the label of the face cream product. It was fragrance free and was made with only natural products. "His skin turns red and gets inflamed when he touches and uses certain products." I repeated Vanessa's words and an idea came to me.

I grabbed a face product with a lot of fragrance from my room and mixed it with his. He will use it at some point and when he does I'll learn something more about him. A win is a win and this is pay back for forcing me into an unwanted marriage and keeping me locked inside of the mansion. With a grin, I exited the bathroom and went back to sit on the bed. I opened my phone and started searching for information about the guy that were working in between the dates Adrian gave me. A while later I found the guy and wrote his name down on the piece of paper Adrian gave me. Donovan Smith.

Later that day when I was busy reading a book I found on Adrian's computer desk, he walked in and I hand him the piece of paper with the man's name. "His name is Donovan Smith. He stopped working at Shield View about 10 years ago."

He took the piece of paper from my hands without wearing his gloves and stared at it for a while. "I didn't think you'd be so quick." He said, sounding almost surprised and walked to his desk before he started typing on his phone.

I tapped my foot on to the carpet and turned towards him. "Do you own any snacks?"

He looked up. "In the kitchen. Yes."

I leave the room without saying anything and searched through each cabinet in the kitchen until I found the snacks one. I grabbed a bunch of cookies and chips and found some ice cream in the fridge which made me smile. As I walked out of the kitchen I almost bumped into Louis. "You're eating all of that?" his eye widened at the snacks I was holding.

"I am."

He grinned. "Be careful. If you eat too much you'll end up rolling down the stairs."

I scoffed at his words. "Maybe that's exactly what I want to do. Who knows maybe then he'll let me go."

He grinned and looked down at his phone that vibrated in his palm. "Duty calls." He winked at me and disappeared into a room. I go back to Adrian's room and stood in front of his door. Do I really have to go back in there? I ended up going in anyway but didn't see Adrian when I walked in. I sat down on his bed and started chewing on the snacks. Minutes later the door creaked open and he exited the bathroom. l looked up almost choking on a piece of cookie. "What happened to your face?" I asked innocently trying to hold back my laughter.

He glared at me, closing his eyes in frustration. His face was red and looked irritated. I didn't think it would be that bad. Oops

"Should've known it was you." He groaned tilting his head back.

"I wanted to know if she was lying."

He looked at me confused. "Vanessa told you?" he questioned and now looked even angrier. I shrugged my shoulders and started eating the strawberry ice cream. When I didn't reply he stormed past me, slamming the door that made the walls in the room shook.

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