Chapter 7

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I left Adrian's office and a young girl with ginger hair helped me back to the room I've been sleeping in for the past 3 days.

When I entered the room, she stood in the hallway avoiding eye contact with me as she continued fidgeting with her hands. The poor girl looked too innocent to be working for the mafia. 

She took a deep breath, her eyes finally reaching mine. “Good evening Mrs Night. I'm your personal maid and…Mr Night sent me to take care of all your needs.” she said, her voice soft. 

I scrunched up my face hearing her call me by his last name. 

“I don't want to be called that. My name is Maxine and my last name is Russo.” I said turning my back towards her. 

“Oh okay…I'll keep that in mind.” she replied

I let out a soft sigh and looked at her. “I need to know. Did he give you any orders?”

“Yes.” she nodded with a smile. “Mr Night told me to take you to your new room and to help you get ready for the day.”

I raised my eyebrow. A new room? What's wrong with this one? It seems perfectly fine to me. But if it's really better, who am I to complain? 

“Let's go then” I said and walked out of the room. She hurried in front of me showing me the way. “Wait. I haven't asked your name?”

“Hanna” she mumbled and I almost couldn't hear her. I nodded, giving her a small smile. 

We entered a hallway that had only two rooms. She opened the door for me and I stepped inside of my new room. It was bigger, more luxurious and brighter than the previous one. It had its own balcony and a walk-in closet. I walked into the closet and stared at the wardrobe in front of me. 

“We weren't sure what type of clothes you'd wear.” she added, standing right next to me. 

I looked at the clothes in front of me, it was modern and surprisingly similar to my style. I took a step closer, when a dress caught my attention. It was a simple yet elegant black dress where the back was open. It was pretty but something I'd never wear. 

Searching through the folded clothes I spotted some black cargo pants and picked it out from the closet and pulled out a black shirt to go with it. I didn't have a reason to put on something fancy. So I chose to wear something simple.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked, turning around to face her. She nodded, curiosity flickering across her face. I saw this as my chance to delve deeper into her background and to find out whether or not she was trustworthy. 

“How long have you been working here?” I asked, walking towards the bed and putting the clothes down. 

“It's my first month,” she replied, looking down at her feet. 

“No normal girl will willingly work for the mafia.” I added waiting to hear what her explanation was. Even if she was doing it for the money, is it really worth putting your life in danger? 

For a few seconds she stared at me blankly. “No…they wouldn't.” she sighed. “My mother worked here, but then she fell off the stairs and now.” she said, her lip starting to tremble. “Now she's in a coma and I took her place.”

“I'm sorry.” I apologised, feeling bad for forcing her to tell me. 

“It's okay. You don't have to apologise.” she wiped off a tear with her sleeve. “I'm your personal maid, if there's anything you want to know. I'll gladly tell you.” she said, trying to force a smile. 

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