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Hello hello yes, I am a hybrid and you're PROBABLY like "Omg Mako?! with what?" I'll get to that laterr, in the meantime, I just wanted to say, I think almost every supernatural (vampires & all) is either briefly or definitely based on a true story, and if u don't believe me then that's fine honey, we all have different beliefs, and the supernatural is one of mine, and no no no I'm not like this because of my favorite show or anything? I'm a hybrid because I feel very connected to the two, and now, for the final reveal of what I am, aaaa


HAHA NOT THAT 😭 More like an actual wolf, like Derek hale but instead big, like Sam from twilight, and if you wanted to look like that and all I have a better picture

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HAHA NOT THAT 😭 More like an actual wolf, like Derek hale but instead big, like Sam from twilight, and if you wanted to look like that and all I have a better picture

HAHA NOT THAT 😭 More like an actual wolf, like Derek hale but instead big, like Sam from twilight, and if you wanted to look like that and all I have a better picture

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Yes I watch teen wolf, it's my favorite show that portrays werewolves 😭 And I've rewatched it like 4 times, but LOOK. I know I have issues and all (not diagnosing, never took a test before so 😆) and being a werewolf would probably enhance the anger, like yk.. Umm.. It's hard to explain I'm trying my best, like Liam Dunbar, one of my favorites, he has ied (intermittent explosive disorder) and him being a wolf enhanced his anger or something yk? And as someone who gets mad over EVERYTHING I think I'll be fine ☺️ and you're probably like "you're so dumb, why would you wanna be a werewolf if you know its gonna enhance your anger?" Because I'm dumb like that and I feel very very drawn to it lol, and yess I'll also be a mermaid, I'm never quitting that or this, I've actually been wanting to do this for EVER, everyone thinks i'm joking but I' dead serious, I don't care what anyone else says, I'm gonna do this. Another answer to your thoughts "how would you be able to do both? What if you become a weird hybrid and cant be on land or at sea??" I'm gonna balance it, like how other mers balance their human side I'm gonna balance my wolf side 😌 and I remember when I had the same dream 5 times in a row, dyk what it was? Take a quick guess

The full moon. Literally, I had the same dream 5 times in a row, people usually be like "if you have the same dream 3 times in a row it's a signn.." yeah well what about 5 times in a row? Oh my goodness this is a long entry, but longer is better to me * wink wink * but i just wanted to let that out, I had fun writing this one tbh 😭

Mako 🧜🏽‍♀️🌑

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