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So! I bathed with saltwater but it was only a tiny bit so i poured it all in there and the moment i got in the tun my leg started hurting. Other then that today's been fine, my legs have been wobbly but fine!
And after i got out i just been wanting so much water, in less then an hour i drunk 2 cups of water and i still want more. I feel like I can drink up the entire ocean omg. It's so annoying but i'm so thirsty right now. And my cup is like 16oz i guess? So that usually makes me full w water for a long long time but I just want so much more. This is so random. And I got the idea to bathe with saltwater because my sister without knowing kind of reminded me that ryn (a siren) only changes in saltwater so I gave it a try aha and I didn't change but obviously no rush! It's fine, but comment if you know why I want/need so much water after bathing in saltwater.

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