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Qno1: Who was your favourite character in this story? And why?

Qno2: Who was your favourite side couple? And why?

Qno3: Which scene was your favourite in this book?

Qno4: Who was your favourite side character? And why?

Qno5: Whose death left you most sad?

Qno6: Which villain did you hate the most? (light queen, minho or evil sorceress)

Qno7: Which villain did you find more relatable and likable than other?

Qno8: Which scene in this book felt unnecessary to you? Something that was unnecessary to put in this book.

Qno9: Do you like my writing?

Qno10: How would you describe taehyung and jungkook in three words?

Qno11: How would you describe dark queen and scarheart in two words?

Qno12: Whom do you like more: Ae-cha or Jimin in this book.

Qno13: Who was the most powerful in this book according to you.

Qno14: Which monster felt the most terrifying to you lovelies.

Qno15: Overall, do you like dark kingdom more or Light kingdom? Whose abilities and natives make you more fascinated?

Qno16: And at last, do you like this story? Rate this book out of 10 (be honest) 


Don't be a silent reader, do answer these questions, lovelies. I will be waiting for your feedbacks!!

And yaah, this heart ❤❤ is for you all that remain sticked with this story till end. Love you all with the bottom of my heart. Muhhhhh...

Bye lovelies


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