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Jungkook's pov

As I headed toward the monJioster with the pure intention of piercing him with my sword, but before that, he took all of us by shock when he detached his one of long horn and used that as defence, and let me tell you, he was musingly good at sword fighting.

With my mind resolved, i tried striking him on weak points but everything went in vain, and then out of nowhere, he went invisible and strikes me on my back subsequently, making me topple over the ground.

His hit was painful leaving a scar on my back, and what was more unfortunate was that my sword fell far by the impact leaving me utterly vulnerable.

He quickly straggled me, before raising his horn as he tried to hit me on my throat, but was pushed by aecha who quickly helps me stand up, as I tried to get back to my sword but it was quite far,

"Watch out, jungkookie!" Aecha hollered out as I turned around to find the emaciated monster staggering toward me with frothing mouth and a gripped raised horn,

He flinged it toward me as I watched it nearing me with its pointed tip, but before it could hit me, it was blocked in the middle on its way, hanging in the dark air as it looks someone was restraining it's motion

Before anybody could comprehend anything, the horn changes its direction as it retained its previous path going toward its owner who grunted before catching it, as he looked almost as confuse as me

"It is me guys! Why are you all acting so shocked, I have invisible capabilities" Taehgung suddenly appears from the thin air, his dramatic ass stretching the sentence as much as it could.

"I thought you mastered sword fighting but seems like you are still a armature!" He states while passing me a disappointed look, totally unaware of the thrown horn heading toward him,

Before I could control myself, I raised my hands together and shoot out a energy heat ball, that directly passed by taehyung striking the horn perfectly. There was a blood curdling screech from the monster as its horn scatter into pieces before turning into ashes.

"Wooh, that was cool! Could you do that again?" He asks as I looked disbeliefly at him, he surely was a kid to be a king. His eyes shined in the darkness even if there was no colour currently in his irises.

But my thoughts about him took a 360 turn when he pushed aecha towards the monster when the said monster actually aimed at him. His evilness just couldn't be concealed and come out in such forms,

"Ahhh" Archa cried as the monster clawed his arm, before vomiting the slobbering liquid in his mouth on her. My hand worked involuntarily as I aimed him with another heat ball. These balls were energy rich dense spherical balls with out of normal temperature.

As expected, the heat ball left a burned deep hole on the monster's left rib where it strikes. He erupts a high pitched screech before immedaitely looking at me as he freed Ae-cha from his clutch and run towards me. His eyes were blood scarlet, while his ashen skin turn red.

It was horrifying, and I controlled my urge to shudder!

He took all of us again by shock when he suddenly turned to taehyung and stumbles on him, whose little giggles died down as he paled out watching the terrifying monster grunting over him

"EWWWWWWWW, somebody clean his mouth! He sticks!!" Taehyung shouts below him as he looked at both of us with disgusting expression, "What are you watching??get him off of me! "

"Promise me, you will not kidnap aecha again and will forcefully manipulate her to marry your friend" I states as his expressions contorted into pure denyness, "Never, she will marry my friend and we will get a way to your kingdom!"

"Okay, fine! We are leaving then" I says while looking at him, his body was wholely hapless below the monster but his face was contrasting his situation. He was hella stubborn even in such life risking situation.

As I motioned aecha to follow me, I payed him a last glance, something twitched in his eye before he looked at the monster, his mouth involuntaraly muttering for help

"Okay I won't repeat it, get this shit out of me" He utters kinda meekly, before gnashing his teeth as he again looked at me

"Do you need anything else! I swear if his saliva touched me again, I will kill him for sure but you will too accompany him to the fucking hell" He blurted out while looking angrily at me, "You might be lieing, how can I trust you!"

He looks peculiarly at me before sighing, "I am man of my words. I won't betray you"

This was all I need to hear as I ran toward them, before slashing the monster on his hip who rolled over from the taehyung, as the dark king quickly standed on his feets

We both looked at the monster who seems motionless, showing no sigh of movement. He looks almost dead.

"Fuck, he dies! Thank satan, I cannot tolerate this shit again" Taehyung rasped out before kicking the monsters, his eyes locking into mine soon after

"Get out of my territory right now! I cannot tolerate you two too" He blurts out, his voice holding venom as he looked irritately at me

"Shouldn't you instead be thanking me for saving your little ass? Oh wait! what can we expect from the dark King" I spatted out as he looked boringly at me

"Then don't expect! Why raising your fucking hopes when there is no chances of there happening? You gotta to be utterly naive for that and maybe, you are one of them! " He snapped back, challenging me openly with his blazing eyes.

"So, you admit you have no decorum!"

"I don't know about that, but I admits, you are fucking utterly ridiculous" He spoke before stepping a little forward,
his one side of the lip curved up as he gave off me his signature smirk which sets me in distraught,

It was ominous! And I know, something wasn't right

"JUNGKOOK, LOOK BEHIND YOURSELF" Aecha yells out of blue, but before I could react, something jumps on my back as I stumbles forward, hitting taehyung with my chest as he cursed audibly

"The monster is still alive" Aecha says as I turn ashen,

Oh, that is why taehyung was looking so smug before! He wants me in danger so that I could plead for his help too but too bad, I won't quench his this wish

I quickly blowed on the hollow abdomen of the momster with my elbow as he topple on the ground. I turned to his horn before plucking it out, as I directed to thrust it into his face but the horn was wrenched away
from me before I could accomplish it

"Let me fucking ruin his face" Taehyung mutters before pounding the horn into his face untill there was nothing but utter gore

"Now I am satisfied! How dare he spit on me?" He utters while panting heavily, before his eyes darted on me

"Now what are you waiting for. I know my kingdom is beautiful but you are not allowed to stay here. So please, take your leave. I cannot bear you too any longer!" He says before yawning,

"I am gonna take my beauty sleep" And with that, he disappears in a blink of eye


Stay tuned and stay happy
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I hope you enjoyed the chapter,

Bye lovelies


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