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Jungkook's pov

I can still hear some plucking noise  behind me, similar when something is being pulled back with a force that causes a sharp screech erupting from it. I know, the black hole created by the little evil creature was the cause of this ranchous sound, which was nearing me with every passing second with the immaculate intention of gulping me down too,

But, I couldn't let that happen!

As I neared the cliff, I could see Bogum from the other side waving at me, good thing he already passed!

Unlike previous time, I can use my wings this time to easily fly over to the safer other side. My breathing was erratic from unceasing running, and my heart vessels were flooded with the rush of adrenaline.

I shut down my eyes as I tried to open my wings, but the unstable heartbeat wasn't helping me in concentration. To perform any magic, a person should be fully focused while doing it in reality. This was the main reason, why pupils were taught from earlier days about why concentration is necessary and later on, this was put in practice so that they can manage themselves in such problematic situations!

I erased every thought from my mind before again focusing on unlocking my wings, which luckily this time gets opened!

I opened my eyes when I heard the fluttering of my wings, the air that surrounds me revolving in spiral shape as I felt my feet getting detached from the grim city land.

Gradually, my wings started flapping more fastly as I danced with the air that felt like serene currents flowing over me. I gazed down to the abyss of clouds and fog that were hindereing whatever was behind them.

This almost, I mean, almost was about to felt like heaven if that taehyung wouldn't show himself out of nowhere.

He was riding his equally terrifying wolf animal with that signature smirk still worn by his face. The air that blowed towards me from the flapping of his animal wolf nearly knocked me out.

I was lucky enough to stable myself on time!

Suddenly something twitched in his eyes as he unlocked his black hole and emitted everything towards me which the said thing has galloped down till now

I tried dodging every strike but still got unlucky enough to get some hits on my huge white wings, bordered by shiny navy blue tint.

I flitted to the other side when he was too engrossed in attacking towards me, my hands swiftly swayed in the air as I formed a energy ball before flinging it towards him.

He quickly grasped his wolfs back hair instructing him to move to the other side as he successfully avoiding my attack, his smirk widening momentarily

"You need more practice, amateur ! " He hollered out while stressing on the word amateur, his words were strangly provoking me when most of the times, 'I am calm and docile'!. That is what my friends or someone who knows me defines me as.

"You don't want to encounter it if I unleash even a little bit of my abilities. I am tied with the peace treaty your parents and my parents signed" I states as he laughed musingly at it, his side eyes wrinkling on their own

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