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Taehyung's pov

I stirred from my half conciousness, subconsciously tapping the side beside me, my hands stretching absentmindedly as I searched for any hard body. When I found a warm rigid surface, my eyes peeled open. Gasping as I locked my eyes directly into dark irises, my body recoiled without my knowledge.

"Hey easy! It is me, jungkook! " I heard a soft melodious voice breaking through the tranquil air, my eyes roaming back to the staring eyes, "You scared the shit out of me, who the fuck stare someone like that? "

He chuckled while proping his head on his hands, his elbows jabbing the black mattress below, "Nobody can resist to stare when a whole goddess is lieing just beside you!"

I cocked my brows together at the cheesy comment, though it's effect wasn't unnoticible when my cheeks burned with hot blood rush. I rolled my eyes before flipping to the opposite side, my stomach fluttering when I felt the mattress behind me dipping.

"Are you suddenly shy?... " He asked teasingly, I groaned painfully while sitting straight, my legs crisscrossed as I stared at him.

"You rea___What the heck?? " I gasped in surprise when I suddenly noticed his hair, white hair precisely. How the heck his blond hair turned white with black roots? As per I know yesterday he was having blond hair,

I gulped when a thought crossed across my mind, my eyes setting back at him, "Don't tell me I sleep that much that you already turned old! "

He squited his eyes while inspecting himself, "What happen??"

"Your hair__It__ it is white, how is that possible? "

He widened his eyes before scrambling on his feets, his eyes roaming around before they fix on the nearby mirror, his mouth agaping while his nostrils flared when he inhaled a deep throaty breath,

"Oh god!! I totally forget about it! " He mused out while slipping his fingers in his white strands, ruffling it around as he searched for any one blond strand,

"Don't tell me you turn old when you intercourse with someone first time?? Oh my god, is__ is it this?? Did your stamina last for only one da__" I coughed awkwardly when he shooted me a scowl, a snicker crossing his features before he marched at me,

"Really!!....Did you really come with this conclusion out of all the possibilities?" He grifted out while leaning toward me, my breath hitched when I noticed his dark stare, similar to the one when I gazed at him yesterday...

It evokes all those carnal things back, reflashing every sinful doing which happened yesterday. My thighs clenched together when he gazed down, a little smirk playing on his lips when he noticed my heady eyes,

"Are you again getting__"

"No, I am not needy? What do you take me as, a horn__"

"I want to say excited, why do you think that way?" He grumbled with a deep gravelly chuckle, my hair at the back of my nape raised into sharp pointed needles,

"Whatever??" I quickly dropped the topic, pushing him softly as I ardousely raise to my feet, a soft mewl leaving my lips when a bolt of pain shooted down my spine, buckling my knee to seccumb down but I quickly held on the side table.

LIGHT VS DARKNESS // taekook Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz