Vol 3.6 - Check

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I've been thinking of names for each volume I have planned or have already released. This is what I've come up with.

Volume 1: New World Arc (9 Chapters)
Volume 2: Military Police Arc (8 Chapters)
Volume 3: The Trost Crisis Arc (6 Chapters)
Volume 4: The Bush War Arc (~8 Chapters)
Volume 4.5: [Name Undecided] (2 Chapters)
Volume 5: Walled Kingdom Arc (~5 Chapters)
Volume 6: Clash of the Titans Arc (~4 Chapters)

How does that sound? Around 47 total chapters for Seasons 1 and 2 if we include intermissions.


"So we're just going to let them leave? After all they've done?"

Levi's disgruntled complaint didn't come as a surpise to Erwin as the Survey Corps wrapped up the evacuation of Trost.

The commander gazed at the dozens of horses galloping away, rushing towards the Northwest of the country with haste, essentially leaving the retaking of Trost to a very shaken-up Garrison and Survey Corps.

Trost's population had taken a devastating hit. Estimates were rather wild, but the general consensus was around 4,300 citizens were eaten alive, along with another 1,000 soldiers killed in action.

Even if they were able to retake Trost, it would've been a devastating pyrrhic victory.

"First the Trost gets compromised, then the Titan brat shows up—What's next?"

Erwin gazed over Trost. "We retake Trost of course."

"Can we even trust him?" Levi narrowed his eyes. "Hange seems receptive, but Hange is Hange. I can't say for my squad, Mike's or anyone else's."

Eren Yeager was a wild card. Being able to transform into a Titan was completely unheard and it created a lot of distrust within the military structure. His friends testified for him

"It's the best shot we have. Besides, do you have any other ideas?"


"Then we've agreed. I'll convince Pixis to lend me some of his men and some volunteers from the Cadets. Send word to your squad to make preparations for an escort mission."

Erwin turned to leave, however, he was stopped by a messenger calling out his name and handing him a piece of parchment paper. A message was written on it with the seal of the Royal Assembly. His face was unchanging even after reading the message's contents.

"Oy, Erwin. What's going on?"

"Nothing. A state of emergency, that's all."

"A state of........I'll go prepare my squad," Humanity's strongest solider hopped down the wall, firing his ODM hooks in the process, leaving Erwin Smith alone atop the wall, gazing over Trost District.

'The government has vested itself with emergency powers to deal with the terrorist threat. Curfews for regular citizens, military checkpoints and random searches...' The Commander recalled the conditions of what essentially was martial law.

He took one last glance at the retreating forces.

Why did they leave as soon as the Survey Corps entered the picture? It was a coincidence, right? What of the demands they gave to Pixis? What was the point of that? Why kidnap Pixis in the first place?

In fact...

Erwin's mind flashed back to the glimpse of the terrorist scout who was spying on them...

This was a bad state of affairs.

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