Vol 2.8 - Dust to Fire

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IMmph Fka's char


mhhmpph~ mmmhhnn!! I camph bweeth!


[Reupload]: Added a new scene with the Survey Corps

It was Spring.

Levi sneered as he heard the sound of horses approaching Survey Corps HQ. Another recon mission has been successful, he surmised. However, he did notice the lessening—fewer horses' hooves were pounding the ground. That could only mean there were heavier casualties than usual.

He cursed himself for getting caught up in that explosion. Those terrorists are now wreaking havoc within Wall Rose, where the majority of the population now lives. An air of unease now supplanted the surprising stability following the fall of Wall Maria.

The bandit gangs were gone but had been replaced with something way worse.

He heard footsteps approaching his room.

"Yo, Levi!"

"What is it, Four Eyes? Find anything that can get me out of this?"

"Haha! Nope!"

Levi wanted to kill Hange right now. Getting injured was one thing, but somehow getting a piece of wood AND metal lodged in his leg was another. 

"I just wanted to check up on my best pal after a good ol' expedition, you know?"

"...Bullshit, you want to ask me something. I can see it in your eyes, Four Eyes. Come on, spit it out. I'm already stuck in this hospital bed, I need something else to do."

Hange laughed nervously.

"Well, the government put out a warrant for the entire OFTL, as their calling—"

"That sounds stupid. The whole naming convention sounds stupid."

"Let me finish!" Hange coughed. "Do you remember anything about the attack? If you don't, that's fine I just—"

"Tch, we're meant to be fighting Titans, not humans. It's a waste of human life. No, I don't remember anything else besides the shit I already told you. The bullets were too fast, they wore ODM gear and they wore black cloaks. They also had loads of gunpowder with them for some reason. That's it."

Hange hummed, mood dampening. "I've been thinking about that since the ride home—they have loads of gunpowder for some reason. And I'm for sure they're not stealing it because we'd know...They must be funded somehow...I'll find something out soon! See ya, Levi!"

"Oy! Don't tell me you're going after these guys! Let the shitty MPs do it."

"No can do! I'm just a bit curious, and so is Erwin, so bye-bye!"

"Tch! Shitty glasses.."

Levi's body fell back into his bed. This entire situation was stupid. Humans killing humans—this wasn't the underground anymore, and yet the same warzone was coming back...

He needed to be stronger.


There weren't many places suitable enough to keep such a large construction project a secret within Wall Rose besides the mountains, which were too steep and too much of an obvious place for any government authorities to search.

It had to be close enough to a body of water, preferably a river, a source of wood, steel and other components needed for further projects.

This is why we were heading North-East towards the hilly terrain of the walls. It had a secure stream and was far enough from Mitras.

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