Vol 2.7 - Revolution Brewing

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Kenny Ackerman's shot missed by a large margin as something exploded right in front of his face. Chlorine gas filled his lungs as he accidentally inhaled a lungful.

When inhaled, chlorine gas reacts with the moisture in the respiratory tract, such as the mucous membranes and lungs, to form hydrochloric acid. This acid damages the tissues, which leads to respiratory irritation, Pulmonary Edema, a build-up of fluid in the lungs and Chemical Pneumonia, another form of fluid build-up and inflammation, to name a few.

All of these effects can happen at the same time.




The Rouge collapsed to the floor of the crystalline cave almost immediately. His eyes were irritated, he was pretty sure he couldn't see. His senses were failing, his body was failing, all because he inhaled that strange gas.

Kenny Ackerman coughed up blood, and maybe a piece of his lungs in the process.

Was this it?

Was he really about to die?

What about his dream?

He still had so much to accomplish; he still had to see the world as his old friend Uri did.




He wondered how Levi was doing. He heard his nephew got injured after a terrorist attack...




"Fuck...You really did a number on me, Detective...COUGH! KIYOTAKA!"

"How are you still alive?" Kiyotaka's muffled voice quired behind his gas mask. He wasn't quite sure how the old Ackerman was still kicking. "You inhaled multiple lung fulls of gas, any normal person should've dropped dead multiple times by now."

Not even the adrenaline coursing through Kenny's veins could make him stand up—it was that painful to be alive. The simple act of standing up or even attempting to kill Kiyotaka right now was futile. No matter the superhuman capabilities his body had; he was as good as dead.

Kenny let out a pained giggle. He could feel the skin on his face melting and blistering, as a courtesy of the mustard gas mixed in with the canister. This was a horrible way to die, even for someone as wicked as him.

"Fuckin' monster! Haha! There's no reason to hide it now, right? COUGH!" Kenny sneered. "Ackermans have always been stronger than—COUGH! COUGH! COUGH! Those normal folk! Always have been!"

Kiyotaka's eyes slightly widened in surprise, he immediately made the connection to a certain oriental Ackerman he knew. He rationalized Kenny's connection to Mikasa as a far-off relative. That could've also explained how Levi survived their raid against the Survey Corps.

Kenny smirked and looked up. Even though he couldn't see anything anymore, or know if Kiyotaka was right in front of him anymore, he still spoke. "You injured my nephew a few weeks ago—if he wasn't an Ackerman, he'd be dead on the sp—COUGH! COUGH!"

Classroom of The Elite x AOT: Wax WingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora