21 - Volition

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Y/n was standing tall and covered in white armor. He eyed down the Armored Titan and stood still in a relaxed position. Y/n knew he had the overwhelming advantage against Reiner.

Reiner - (Crap, what do I do here? I just have to find an opening to run away.)

The Armored Titan got into a crouched position and began a full sprint towards Y/n. This was no issue to the Warhammer Titan as Y/n simply summoned his hammer and swung the weapon sideways right into Reiner's torso. It was a clean hit. Reiner was stopped dead in his tracks and launched away from Y/n. The impact shattered all of his armor on his torso and knocked him down.

Reiner - (T-there's no winning against this thing! I have to run as fast as possible!)

Y/n simply walked slowly towards Reiner as he still lay there doing nothing. Then Y/n heard a roar from the distance. He glanced over and saw the female titan in the distance. 

Y/n - (Perfect, now I just need to stop her from getting to Eren. Two birds one stone huh.)

The armored titan then pointed towards the direction that Eren had left in. To which the female titan started sprinting towards.

Y/n - (That's bad! Now I have to chase her down.)

As Y/n started sprinting towards her, Reiner grabbed onto his leg and made him trip. Reiner then climbed ontop of Y/n trying to hold him down. But Y/n was far too strong for Reiner.


Y/n then used his abilities to generate a spiral from his back and impaled the Armored Titan 30 Meters in the sky. Due to this however Y/n could no longer move and was forced to exit his titan.

Jean - What in the world is happening right now.

Y/n swung over to Jean who was just awestruck at what he was watching.

Y/n - JEAN! Snap out of it! 

Jean - Y-Yeah, Sorry!

Y/n - Call the horses, we need to chase after the Female titan. We cant let them take Eren!

Jean - Right!

Jean proceeds to call the horses while Y/n looks back up at the Armored titan starting to steam. He noticed this just in time to see Reiner dashing down towards him with his blades drawn. Y/n however did not plan on being cut down. He leapt into the air and slashed at Reiner instead. In  this process they were both harmed. Reiner received a deep cut in his chest and Y/n got a slash on his arm.

Y/n - Look like its time for round two.


Y/n - I did what I had to do to survive in that unfair world. While I'm not proud of it, I don't regret it in the slightest.

Reiner - .......You murderer.


Not wasting another second, Y/n transformed in an instant and started running towards Reiner who had also transformed. Y/n threw a punch to Reiner's stomach. Right before it landed, he enhanced his hand with hardened armor in order to pack a greater punch.

Reiner - (You left yourself wide open you idiot)

Not wasting his chance, Reiner threw a punch straight to Y/n's head. This completely shattered the face of the Warhammer titan.

Reiner - (Got you! How's that fe-)

The armored titan was suddenly blind and falling down. Y/n had grabbed Reiner's head with both his hands and moved it down. Straight into his knee. This completely wrecked the Head of the Armored titan causing Reiner to lose temporary conscious. Y/n then took this chance to step on the Armored titans head and nape. Thus completely decapitating both Reiner and his titan.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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