2 - Ackerman

509 13 10

*Tap* *Tap*

Y/n - (.....huh.....what's that?)

*Tap* *Tap*......*SLAM*

Y/n - (WOAH).

As Y/n wakes up from his sleep he sees through his crystal a man a who seems to be in his twenties kicking and bashing his crystal in an effort to break it. The man wasn't as much as scratching the crystal. Now awake Y/n had without wanting made the crystal disappear and he fell onto the cold and hard ground. His cloak on top of him not letting him see the man who had woken him up.

??? - Its just a cape?...lame.

??? - What are you talking about. It's a cool cape.

??? - ......Its filthy is what it is.

??? - Jeez bro, you cant clean everything you see.

??? - Well....she's not wrong you know.

??? - Tch

Y/n now awake stood up as the placed the cape on himself.


??? - Calm down will you. Its obviously a person then.

One of the three people who had rudely awoken Y/n had in a speed Y/n had not seen in far too long gone for a kick to Y/n's head. Due to his training Y/n was able to evade this kick and lightly shoved the man off balance. Not enough to know him over but enough so that Y/n could get a good distance from the trio.

Y/n - Woah Woah Woah Calm down for a minute would you.

The other two who were just standing in the back just stared at Y/n in awe as if he had just done a miracle.

Y/n - Ummmmm is something wrong?



Y/n - ............I'm not sure what to make of this.

After some explaining to the trio Y/n had come up with a lie to protect his identity. He claimed that his family had lived underground their entire lives and then they had left and abandoned their child in the underground while they had gone above ground to live better lives. He decided to keep his powers a secret for now and simply played it off as if he didn't know what they were talking about when they mentioned the crystal he was in. This would not have worked if he hadn't mentioned that the last thing he remembered was sleeping in his bed when he heard some noise and blacked out. Two of the three seemed to buy this story but the third was more than a bit suspicious of Y/n to say the least. Turns out the trios' names were Farlan, Isabel, and Levi.

Y/n - My names Y/n by the way. Nice to meet you.

 - A Few Weeks Later -

Y/n - (It seems my crystal started to weaken. I didn't think it would be so weak that a kick would wake me. Unless it was really old. But for the crystal to break or show any cracks It would have to be more than a few months. Years even.........unless it ha---)


Y/n - Huh wha- (SLAM)

Y/n had zoomed face first into a bunch of wooden crates. Over the past few weeks Y/n had began living with this trio. Farlan and Isabel were accepting of him seeing as Y/n was only 12. Levi on the other hand. Well, he had his reservations but had recently began to warm up to Y/n since Y/n always liked to keep relatively clean. Not as much as Levi but more than the average person. However the odd thing was that Y/n had at some point found out that the year was 844. He had been in his crystal for 12 years. He hadn't aged either which is what he had found most strange but was most grateful for. At the moment Y/n had began to train with Levi again as Levi revealed that he was an Ackerman to Y/n. Y/n had not revealed any of his past but he was thankful that now he knew that the Ackermans had made it. Y/n simply had to search for them. Currently Y/n and the trio had recently acquired odm gear.

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