15 - Festival

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The year was 850, was currently 18 years old. Y/n had been with the survey corps since he was 12, officially at 15. Many things had happened over the past year alone, Y/n taking an important role throughout the entirety of the past three years. Y/n had planned together with Erwin, Levi, and Hange. The most important of these plans however had to be the sectioning off of Paradis from the rest of the world past the ocean. While with his doubts, Erwin gave into Y/n's reasoning about the plan. Paradis truly had no hope in defending against the world, an attack against Marley was far too much of  a stretch to sound believable on its own. Y/n decided that because of this, he, with the aid of the survey corps, would use his titan and create an impenetrable barrier around the entire island in order to protect the people of Paradis from the outside world. While ambitious, this plan was the best Y/n could think of in order to save both the people he loved, and himself. However, Y/n decided that now was not the time for such serious thoughts. He would leave these to Erwin for the time being.

Y/n - This looks like the right address.............well, no point in wasting time thinking about it.

Y/n knocked on the door of the house which the paper had lead him too. Petra had given him this paper in order for him to be able to pick her up to go the the Festival together. 

- Flashback - 

Y/n was currently having dinner with Petra right after they had received their vacation from Erwin. 

Y/n - Hey Petra, how about we go to the Festival that's starting tomorrow?

Petra - .................(Is he asking me out?!?!?!)

Y/n - ....Petra?

Petra - .................(What is this feeling........happiness? But were just going to hang out?)

Y/n - .......Hey Petra is everything okay?

Petra - ................(Oh my god, what am I going to wear!?!?! What if he doesn't like what I choo-)

Y/n - PETRA!?!?!

Y/n Slightly raised his voice and grabbed Petra by the shoulders checking on her to see if everything is fine.

Petra - H-Huh!! Y-Yeah i'm fine!! I'd love to go with you!!

Noticing Y/n's hands on her shoulders, Petra could feel her face start to heat up. She looked up to see his face not so far from hers. This was too much for Petra. Now she was focused on escaping the situation. She gets up from her seat and takes a quick step back from Y/n.

Petra - I-I'm Sorry!! I Have to go!! I'll see you at the festival!!!

With a speed she didn't know she had, Petra quickly scribbled down an address on a piece of paper and handed it to Y/n. She then sped off towards her house to start gathering her things for tomorrow.

Y/n - .......that was odd of her. Guess I got my answer.

Y/n then continued to eat his food and headed back to his house to get some rest for tomorrow.

- Flashback Over - With Petra - 

Petra - I wonder what he will think of my outfit?


Petra - He's Here!

A strange nervousness had began to plague Petra as she was about to open the door. She simply shrugged it off and opened the door to reveal Y/n standing behind it. Y/n was wearing his causal clothes. However is was clear he didn't simply throw whatever on and headed out. 

Y/n - Good Morning Petra!

Upon seeing Petra, Y/n felt something strange inside him. He didn't think he had seen Petra as simply an ally before, but this made it clear to Y/n that he certainly felt SOMETHING towards her. Deciding not to think too hard about it for now, Y/n simply opened his mouth and started talking.

Scout's Honor (AOT X Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ