8 - Secrets

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Y/n had decided to tell Erwin, Hange, and Levi some of his secrets. He had been holding this off for as long as possible, but he didn't want to keep his comrades in the dark for so long anymore. Y/n mentally prepared himself for how they would respond. Would they hate him, or even try to kill him. Either way he didn't care, he was still going to protect those he cared about. Whether or not he would have to kill someone wasn't as concerning to his as it used to be. Currently the four sat in Erwin's office, where they could have privacy.

Y/n - First of all, you can't tell what I'm about to tell you to anyone else. EVER. I'm trusting you three with this information, you three ONLY.

Hange - Got it, got it. So what's this about?

Y/n - Titans.

Hange - Titans? What about them?

Y/n - ...........I know where they come from.

Everyone in the room was shocked and froze up. Hange and Erwin loosened up a bit afterwards. Levi remained stiff.

Hange - HAHA!! Funny joke Y/n!

Erwin - Indeed, now if you could please tell us what you called us here for? I am quite busy you know.

Levi - .......where?

Hange - Huh?

Y/n - Titans are humans.

Everyone again froze at this fact. Erwin and Hange no longer thought this was a joke since Levi and Y/n were both stoic. 

Hange - H-huh.....why would you think that?

Y/n - Hange, I don't think this. I know this.

Levi - Oi Oi Oi, you're not joking are you?!

Y/n - I'm not. This is the truth.

Erwin - Interesting, while this would make sense given their humanoid figure I must ask how you know this. Evidence, if you will.

Y/n - .......yeah, I prepared that for later. First let me explain things thoroughly. This world we live in. It's on an island separated from the rest of the world. The largest country in this world would be Marley. Marley banished people to these walls a very long time ago. They also sent criminals from that country to this island. But they turned them into titans before sending them. This has been going on for hundreds of years. So while technically there are currently a seemingly endless amount of titans out there. If we really get to work here, we truly could rid the world of titans. Instead of plaguing the land they would be these rather rare occurrences in the outskirts of town. If this was all there was to the story then it would be rather simple. Instead it gets complicated from here. Outside this island the world is at war to determine the most powerful country. In the entire world there are 9 special titans. These titans are not mindless, they have a user. Someone who controls them to put it simply. When Marley banished the people to this island, the people wanted to take revenge. So they stole one of these nine titans. Marley in exchange has sent a few other of the special titans in efforts to retrieve this titan. You know two of these titans as the Colossal and the Armored titans. I couldn't tell you about many other titans except for two more. The Warhammer titan and the Female titan. The female is as simple as it sounds. It's a titan with a female form. The destructive level of this titan entirely depends on the user so I couldn't tell you about any of its abilities. The Warhammer on the other hand, kept by a very prestigious family in Marley. This titan is rarely used in combat because its more like a dull blade. It is strong for what it is, but it will fall easily to the right opponent. Anyways, I come from Marley. I got tired of living such a horrible life there one day and decided to change that. The rest will be easier to show you rather than to tell you.

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