13 - Growing Up

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Petra - GOT IT!!!

Petra slashed the arms and drew the titans attention. Y/n came in from the back, spinning and cutting a clean cut off the giant creature. It fell a few seconds later and by then the two were already on their horse speeding away towards the rest of the formation. Together Y/n and Petra had killed over 100 titans as a duo. Their teamwork was incredible. Not even close to four years ago when they first met.

Y/n - Three more ahead. I'll take the left two, you take the right one.

Petra - Got it!

They have been in the Scout Regiment together for three years now. Y/n for five years, and Petra for three. Y/n and Levi's squad were regarded as the two elite squads in the scout regiment. Everyone still calls Levi humanities strongest soldier, but everyone who knows Y/n knows that it is Y/n who truly owns that title. Instead people refer to him as the Silver Flash, That name rarely gets used however because no one knows about Y/n. He got his nickname from Hange.



Y/n was spinning so fast that all you could see was a shine of silver. No blood was ever on his blades, he cut too fast for the blood to go on his blades. The pair continued to make their way to the formation. They had caught up close enough to the Levi squad for Y/n to give Petra orders.

Y/n - Report to Levi for now. I'm going to go see Erwin.

Petra - Alright!

Y/n rode off in the distance on his horse. Petra made her way over to Levi and told him the situation. 

Levi - Alright, you're support for now. Stay behind everyone till Y/n gets back.

Petra - YES SIR!!

Petra goes behind the squad and follows them as they move out.

Petra - Hey guys!! Been a while!!

Gunther - Yeah, nice to see you.

Oluo - You still wish you were with us don't you?

Petra- Not really, I'm happy where I am!!!

Eld - I'm sure you are, say hi to your boyfriend for me.


She went red and they continued to tease her. Levi just rode with his squad, a slight smile on his face. Petra and Y/n were with the Levi squad enough for them to be considered one squad. However sometimes they do go good amounts of time without seeing each other. They're coming close to where they planed on setting up camp. They continued to ride and joke around on the way.

 - With Y/N -

Y/n was coming up on Erwin who was already at the camp. He tied up his horse and went over to the tent Erwin was in. He still had his gear on as he walked into the tent.

Y/n - Erwin, it's almost time. I still don't want to tell anyone so I still think I should go in solo.

Erwin - We can keep your identity secret but we will reveal that we have a titan on our side.

Y/n - I still don't like this, but I guess after I finish the job I can move somewhere far away and live in peace on my own..........yeah, that's sounding really nice right now.

Erwin - You can do that after, for now, we need to focus on the mission. We retake the wall and then you section off our island. After that you can do whatever you wish.

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