3 - Family

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Y/n having come out of the underground had spent about a week or so above ground in what he knew as Wall Sina. He had made his way around the city using all the money he had made from the underground jobs he had worked on. At the time he had thought it was a lot. But it turns out a lot of money in the undergrounds is only a little in the most expensive and luxurious part of this world. He was used to being poor however from his time in Marley. He was too young back then to have an actual job so he would take some part time jobs here and there. Knowing his financial situation would not stay "ok enough" for long he decided to head out to the cheapest wall of the three, Wall Maria. He was already within the third wall when he realized his biggest problem yet.

Y/n - ........I don't know anyone here.

While Y/n was one of the strongest people in the world and one of the most gifted people intellectually. He too sometimes had his.........moments. One of these moments led to Y/n being lost in the woods where he met a girl with black hair. This girl also seemed to be lost so Y/n took it upon himself to help her out.

Y/n - .........so uh.....where do you live

??? - ...............

The girl said nothing and simply pointed in a direction. Y/n took the girls hand in order to prevent her from getting lost. The girl looked about 8-9 years old so Y/n thought that she really shouldn't be out here on her own. Much less get lost if she could be out here this far. But as Y/n made his way in the direction the girl had pointed to he realized that she was not lost. No......she was trapped. In the little clearing they have arrived in Y/n saw a pack of about five or six wolves. As Y/n saw this he cursed to himself. He had learned some words from Levi it seemed.

Y/n - ......crap.

Y/n - .......hey kid. I'm gonna need you to not move for a bit. Close your eyes while your at it to.

??? - huh?.....wahhhhHHH!!!

Y/n had picked her up and left her in a tree. He placed his cloak over her head and tied it around her eyes as a sort of blindfold. He then left quickly and went to deal with the now alert wolves who had heard the girl's shriek. While Y/n knew he could deal with the wolves rather easily he did not want the girl to witness the bloody mess that would occur.

Y/n - Six huh.

Y/n took the blade he still had from the last job in the underground and got to work. As he got five of the wolves and dragged their corpses far away so that the girl would not see them, he heard a shriek. It then hit him that he only have five corpses when there were six wolves. Y/n instantly dropped the corpses of the wolves and ran over to where he had left the girl. Turns out in her struggle to undo her blindfold she had fallen out of the tree. And even worse, the sixth wolf had made its ways to her and was about about to pounce but Y/n came.


Y/n screamed as he ran with all his speed the the girl. He had ditched his gear in some far location near the edge of Wall Maria. Y/n strikes the wolf in its side with an impact hard enough to instantly kill the wolf. Had Y/n been a few tenths of a second later the wolf would have managed to claw at the girl.

Y/n - Phew...that was close hu-

Y/n - Oh. Look at that. It got me huh. Anyways lets get you home.

Y/n took the cloak off of the girl and put it on quickly before the girl could see his wound.

??? - hey....are you ok?

Y/n - Yup. I should be fine. Are you alright? You're not hurt from that fall are you?

??? - No, im fin-

Scout's Honor (AOT X Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin