7 - Devastation

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It was just another regular day for Y/n and his four friends. Y/n had been at training for nearly a year now, it was 845 and Y/n had turned 14 not too long ago. The group had a little celebration for his birthday and stayed up all night talking about their dreams and past's. Y/n woke up this morning and went out to train with Eld and Gunther. He came back and had his breakfast with Oluo over a chat. Training started and the  five of them spent their day following Keith's orders. The day was almost when Petra and Y/n had gone on their training exercise. After this they were done for the day and could retire to their beds.

Y/n - Two titans ahead, get the smaller one's arms and then for the kill on the bigger one!

Petra - Got it!!

Y/n took out the arms of the larger dummy and then went for the kill on the smaller one. Petra did the same with hers as they went in an x-shape. Both titans were taken care of without stopping. They continued flying through the sky. 

Y/n - just a few more huh.

Petra - Seven I think.

Y/n - Well, lets get this over with so we can eat.

Petra - Yeah, I'm getting a bit hun-


Y/n - Huh, I wonder what that's about.

Y/n and Petra made their way back to the base. Y/n had still kept his true abilities a secret from his group. He really had no reason other than to avoid the extra attention. As the pair made their way back to base Shadis gained everyone's attention.

Shadis - It seems that wall Maria has fallen. Take the rest of the day off and prepare to assist with crowd control duties tomorrow. Dismissed!!

Petra - Oh my god! I wonder what happened!?

She didn't get a response.

Petra - Y/n?

She turned to where Y/n was and saw him running away in the distance. 

Petra - H-huh HANG ON!!(Where is he going?!)


Y/n ran all the way to his house where he had his horse. He didn't need to change as he already had his gear from training on. Once Y/n got to his house he saw his horse and got on in an instant and started riding towards wall Rose. On his way to the gate he saw Petra who had chased after him.



Petra - D-don't tell me your goin- no, I'll come!

Petra gets on the horse and then the two of them speed off towards the wall that had fallen. They were going FAST. Petra had to really grab on to Y/n or else she would have tumbled of without a doubt. Petra finally realized that Y/n had a horse and asked him about it.

Petra - Hey Y/n, where did you get the horse from?!

Y/n was too focused to hear her and continued to speed towards the wall. They were nearly there. The gate wasn't open and Y/n didn't feel like waiting so he just jumped off of the horse and started to grapple into the air. Petra grabbed the horse's reigns, she had no idea how to ride a horse yet. She grabbed the reigns and tried to stop the horse. She managed to do it and tied the horse to a nearby tree. She then looked around for Y/n, he was  scaling the wall. He was already at the top. Petra immediately followed him up the wall. When she made it up the wall, she saw Y/n just standing there looking in horror at the scene In front of him. There was a hole in Shiganshina district, where he had lived with Mikasa for a while. Titans were flooding the city, buildings on fire. Y/n spotted where Eren and Mikasa were living, there was a boulder on their house. 

Scout's Honor (AOT X Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon