Chapter 11

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Kali's POV

Is this really the same person I hated when I was a child? She's totally making a fool out of herself right now. An hour earlier before we arrived at the art museum, Cynthia was in bad mood, I'm guessing it has to do something with her father. Still I can't believe what she told me yesterday..

—"You know, that scumbag isn't really dead just like what the news said."

I can't comprehend that she called her own father a scumbag, maybe they've established a bad relationship along the way. But I really don't wanna interfere since it is private. Plus, I shouldn't be thinking of what happened yesterday, I should focus on what's infront of me.

I shook my head putting my thoughts aside and sighed, I turned to my left and saw her beautifully observing one of Giotto's artworks.

"I see that 'The Mourning of Christ' caught your attention the most. You've been staring at it for awhile now you know."  I suppose visiting an art museum was a good idea of hers, just look at those glimmering eyes of hers.

"That's because I just remembered something that I couldn't get out of my head when I was little.. Anyways, let's go, there's still tons of arts that I want to look at!"  She voiced out, then held my hand before taking one last glimpse at the piece, and walked away with me.

I can't seem to grasp her likings, I know I have no rights to complain right now that she's enjoying herself, but I find this kind of boring. I did adore all of the artworks that were here, but I just don't get the hype that she has. Visiting an aquarium can be added to today's list, but I need to know if she's down for it.

She kept moving to one artwork after another, adoring each one of them. I, of course, waited patiently for her to finish whatever she was doing. What I enjoy the most here at this very moment is how she can visibly let her emotions flow. Her body wasn't acting all stiff, and shy like the very first anymore, just look at her now. Holding my hand while she patiently look at all of the works inside the museum. Smiling carelessly while she's pouring all her thoughts out.

"Kali, before we leave, can you tell me which one caught your eye the most?"

"Wait we're leaving?" I snapped out of my notion and spoke out. Ugh! right off the bat she asked me a question, seriously? Now what am I suppose to say. I didn't have time to look at each artwork here because I already saw them before and it's not like I would remember each one of them clearly.

"You don't want to leave yet?"

"No, no, no! I do want to leave, it's just that.. You caught me off guard with your question that's all."

"Doesn't look like that though. It actually looks like you were engaged on other hypothesis, were you by chance busy thinking of.." —Shit! she definitely knows it now. Was I staring at her for too long? I was only admiring her smile, that's all. Was I being too obvious, anyone would do that though.. Quickly say something!

"Say, have you seen that woodblock print called 'The Great Wave off Kanagawa' that answers your question now, right? That one caught my eye the most." Good, now that should keep her out of track on what she was going to say.

"Oh then, that's nice to hear. So about what I was saying earlier–" Oh for fucks sake, you've gotta be kidding me.

"Are you hungry? Man, you shook me a little when you suddenly spoke out like that. I heard that peple who stare into space are more likely to be hungry." ..So I was overreacting all this time? Wait, but I was sure she might've grasp it! There's just no way she wouldn't, or.. if she really haven't, then I'm just totally looking into it a bit too deep. Ah, fuck it all..!

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