Chapter 4

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Cynthia's POV

An hour has already passed after we discussed about the scenario about the painting, since our teacher said that our painting needs a meaning it'll be quite easy to let our feelings flow. As for the painting, it'll be hard.

"Here's the sketch, tell me if you want something to be erased, im open ears for your opinion" Tiana and Kali looked at the sketch i made and both of them nodded. I think they like it.

"Looks like you have a talent other than being a sloth all day" wow thanks.

I mean yeah sure whatever, its true so why should i defend myself. Plus, Kali is more talented than me when it comes to arts. It was just a coincidence that i won the art contests that i had joined back in the past.

"Come on atleast praise her for doing a great job on the sketch!"

I'd rather not hear her praise me just because of a sketch.

"Geez Tiana, you know that i was just joking around when i said that" Doesn't seem like a joke to me.

"Nah uh, apologize for calling her a sloth even if its just a joke and praise her! Do it properly."

Tiana i'm begging you, don't make her do it, just let it slide girl. It ain't that important. please change your mind, please change your mind.

I keep repeating the words in my head hoping that she will let it slide and understand that Kali was just really joking, but seems like she won't be doing what i've been repeating in my mind, not the slightest bit.

"or else what?"

"I'm telling your Mom that you've been out going to clubs. You know how much your mother doesn't like it, right?"

"Fine, i'll praise her, i was going to do it anyway but you interrupted me!"

So she was planning on praising me for real? Atleast lie about it!

"You did a great job on the sketch, i'm proud of you"

After she said that she started petting me, okay, now that's not a nice. Considering that she's taller than me and now she's treating me like this. But, she does have a gorgeous smile.

...Okay maybe i do like it when someone praises me, i'll let her jokes slide.


"I'm done cooking, come on girls, it's time to eat!" This is so tiring.. i'm already hating this, but atleast Tiana didn't bother to cook for us before she leaves.

I got up from my seat and tailed Kali to the kitchen where Tiana's voice came from.

"Enjoy your meals! I'll come check up on you guys later once my job is done" She smiled and waved at us before leaving the kitchen, then i heard a clack and that's where i knew that she already exited the house and now i'm all alone with her. Our other group members left already since Tiana ordered them to, they were only assigned with the materials so yeah.

Kali sat down after Tiana left the room and i did the same, we started eating the food Tiana left us and the silence was making me uncomfortable and comfortable at the same time. Maybe the reason why i'm feeling uncomfortable is because i'm left all alone with someone i'm not close with.

Another silent minute passed between the both of us and i gotta say, Kali is a different person when she's all alone with someone she doesn't get along with, the tension here is.. awkward. But then she broke that silence.

"How old are you?"

"Uh.. what?" Is this her way to start a conversation? She could've done way better than that!

"My bad, what i meant was, when is your birthday?" She didn't sneak a drink in before we start painting, right? And on what she said that was way too far from what she asked me just a second ago.

"It's on February 13" After i told her my birthday she just nodded and continued eating, the both of us didn't bother to waste any more of our saliva, mostly me because i'm not even the type to start a conversation. I'll start one if its important.

We finished eating and put the dishes on the sink, i offered to wash them since i am staying at her house, and she said "do whatever you want" and so i did.

She went back to the room we were at earlier and i'm guessing she's already going to start to make adjustments between the sketch and the actual work. She's always been like that, but i love it.

Kali's POV

Now that i saw her up close earlier while we're eating, she has long eye lashes and rosy cheeks.. Wait, i don't think she puts on make up, i've never really seen her put anything on her face, now i'm more certain that she puts baby powder on her face she smells like one. How did her cheeks become so rosy in the dinner table? Y'know what, forget it. Anyways, i also noticed that her lips were dry, were they always dry like that? It was quite red but i can tell that it wasn't lipstick or anything. I'm sure that she was peeling her dry lips skin out of frustration.

"I'm done washing the dishes, should we continue?" Her voice made me flinch on my seat, i was too deep in my thoughts that i didn't feel her presence.

"We could we use a break"

"Sorry but i have to deny your offer for the sake of finishing this more early, i suggest in doing it now." Yeah sure it's a good idea to start now and finish half of it, but i want to know her better, maybe deepen our bond? She looks uncomfortable but she's trying her best not to show it, and that's the reason why i want to use half of the remaining time we have to get close to each other.

For the past few minutes i tried to get close with Cynthia by trying various topics but seems like she isn't interested in any of it. How am i going to expand our bond if i can't even get her attention shifted to the topic that i was dropping at her, does she not like science? There's literally a lot of things to be discussed about and to discover! And what about theories? It's impossible for her to not be interested in game theories!

Thinking of a way to extend the bond between me and Cynthia made me frustrated more than our project, i was too focused on befriending her that it already came to the point that she has to tilt her head to the side to check on me as if i was still breathing or not. Seeing her curious and worried eyes made me snap out of my thoughts.

"Are you getting bored because you can't paint? or is something bothering you?" There is something bothering me, and yes, i am getting bored because you aren't interested in me, or the topics i've wanted to discuss with you.

I sighed and shook my head, this has to stop. I need to focus on our project. The next thing i knew is that she held my hand, and patted the seat next to her, my chair. All this time i was behind her watching her do all the work, so i guess she needs help now, or she's just feeling a sense of pity to me for not being able to hold a brush as of now and start painting.

"Instead of being behind me, i much prefer it when you're here beside me. It makes me anxious when someone is behind me, so please remember that when we're alone like this" I nodded in response and she handed me my brush. She then started what color should she pick next for the next part. Wow, does every part of her body have to be attractive? The mole on her left hand makes her look charming when she's thinking.

"Do you think violet will blend well with the colors? I mean, the theme is water. So i was thinking of using violet and white as stars" It would blend well, i wonder what will be the result of this painting once we're done.

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