Chapter 10

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Kali's POV

A few hours earlier, Cynthia's big brother came to my house to pick her up. It was pure chaos since my sister is here, she was a blushing mess, and I've gotta tell you it was disgusting watching her react to a man like that.

The weird tension sure did get to the both of us, so we decided to leave the living room and head somewhere more private. Not even 3 minutes have passed and I could already hear my sister blabbering nonsense to Claden. Anyway, at hopes, my mother came in to save the day, the tension in the living room was hell ever since Claden arrived, my sister just can't take her eyes off of him. I could hear my mom offering Claden for some tea and he accepted it, granting me and her sister more time to spend with each other.

"So you already met my brother?"  She asked as we kept walking up the stairs.

"Yeah, I met him at the bar a couple of times actually." couple of times my ass! I always see his face every single day because of Hira!

Ugh.. but it still bothers me that her brother works at Calvìento bar. The fact that I didn't notice that Claden looks so much alike, like Cynthia bothers me alot! Gladly he didn't blow my cover infront of my family, I gotta thank him for that even though he doesn't know what's going on.

"So that means you're one of our regular costumers. But, how come I don't see you there.."  She comes to that bar?! Here I was, thinking that she wasn't the type to go to bars at all! I was totally wrong.

"You go there?" I came to ask her the question since I don't see that face of hers anywhere inside the bar. Maybe she's blended in with the crowd. But then, knowing her, she doesn't like being inside loud, and crowded rooms.

"I always go there. Every morning, evening, and night. It was like Calvìento bar is turning into our house." She was there all along? But whenever I go to visit her house to ask if we can hang out, she always declines saying that it was too hot outside that she could just melt like ice cream, all she does is play video games. Never did once that a thought would come to my head that this girl would go to a bar. Honestly!

"I thought you don't like being around loud and crowded places?"

"It's not like I am inside the room as them, just in the same building." So.. that means, she's somewhere inside the building!? Wait, hold on, if that means that she's somewhere inside the building, then where could she be. This is making me anxious..

"I often see your face at our bar." She does? Why didn't she say a word! Hopefully it's not when i'm wasted because that will surely be embarrassing.

"Wait so how come you see me everytime, but I don't see you?"

"That's because i'm the one who watches people behind 17 screens all at the same time."  uhuh.. That is.. that's quite embarrassing now that i'm thinking about it.

Now that I know that she watches our every move inside the bar, just makes me uncomfortably embarrassed. She could've seen me making out with other women! Or just straight getting wasted on the scene. Ugh..! this is too much to take in.


Time passed by quick than ever, I got to know that her brother is just a year younger than my sisters. Though I got a feeling that it'll be a problem for the future but, let's not think about that. As of now, she looks lively than ever, is this really the same person I hated back then? I mean, Cynthia and Claden.. both have a pretty face, and both of them are too nice so people take advantage of it. But compared to Claden. Her sister is a total fool. Though, she talks more sweetly, caring, and convincing than anyone I've met.

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